Joshua profile picture


Uh, hello....:)

About Me

I currently live in Tucson, Az with my fiancee Amber. I work at a small software company testing and supporting business communications software. For fun I love to hang out with my friends, play video games, and practice martial arts. I've practiced Wing Chun Kung Fu for about 4 years and applied Tai Chi for almost a year. I've been fortunate enough to have some incredible chances and instruction in my short martial arts education. My first day practicing Wing Chun I met Chiu Chi Ling (the tailor from Kung Fu Hustle), 4 years later and my instructor in both Wing Chun and Tai Chi is a personal student of Grandmaster Sam Tam.Amber and I will get married one of these days. We had hoped to get married in September but due to the inevitable birth of my sister's first child we've decided to wait a bit longer.

My Interests

Martial Arts(duh) specifically Tai Chi, Wing Chun, and I Chuan. Videogames (Oblivion,Geometry Wars,Tetris), Books(science fiction/fantasy)

I'd like to meet:

Robin Williams (still)...that's about it...I find this section a little odd. I want to meet people I haven't met yet...and reconnect with people I used to know...I've been fortunate in that my life has been surrounded by amazing people.


No rap or country. Enjoy(in no particular order or sense) classical music, chamber(anuna), cranberries, coldplay, Doogie Maclean(folk), U2, Moby, techno, whatever Amber is playing on her playlist.


Ah, yes, le filme...Interesting film fact, My first day of martial art instruction I met Chiu Chi Ling (the tailor from Kung-fu Hustle). He's an interesting individual. You point a camera at him and he'll be shirtless and lubed up faster than anyone else on the planet. Also a great martial artist.Movies I like in no particular order: Shawshank Redemption, the Last Starfighter, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Goonies, Sneakers, Best Friends, UHF, A Simple Twist of Fate, 12:01, etc....Movies I wish had never been made, or at the very least had not occupied my time:Any of the new Star Wars Movies...please God why? Lolita(shudder), Mission to Mars, space congo many poor people could that movie's budget have fed?


I no longer watch TV, if a friend finds a good series I wait until the season is released on DVD and rent it. No commercials, no interruptions, I can pause and go to the bathroom(no tivo) Shows I've seen and enjoy: The Dead Zone, Carnivale, The West Wing, Battlestar Galactica,Dead like Me, Desparate Housewives.


I once remarked to a friend, "If it has words, and you put it in front of me I will read it." I noticed that I ended up reading alot of crap. I love sci-fi and fantasy...Metaplanetary is one of the best books, it has to be traverses fiction and really blurs the line towards literature.


My parents for giving me the tools, my family for giving me the support, my friends for giving me the encouragement and my wife for giving me a chance.

My Blog


Coming to Tucson in January is Grandmaster Sam Tam, hosted by my school.  There is a two day weekend workshop available for people interested in general fitness and health or martial arts applica...
Posted by Joshua on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:12:00 PST

Something that's probably been written...

We do the things we have to do in order to do the things we love.  That doesn't mean that we can't love the things we have to do.
Posted by Joshua on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:56:00 PST

Uncle Josh

At 7:53 this morning I became the proud uncle of Kaitlyn!!!  Congrats to my little sister Jennifer and Kevin for bringing in a beautiful new addition to our family.  Love you!
Posted by Joshua on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 10:14:00 PST

On Love...

Love is an amazing and powerful thing.  Men and women have died to preserve the integrity of an idea.  We look at the person we admire most and tell them we love them, but in essence these w...
Posted by Joshua on Mon, 29 May 2006 06:09:00 PST

L.A. Seminar

'm heading to L.A. In June for a 2 day seminar with Sam Tam.  We have some new students we've been able to keep interested.  It's hard because in order to make progress I have to fundemental...
Posted by Joshua on Sun, 07 May 2006 11:51:00 PST

Working at 911

For a brief time I was fortunate enough to work at 911.  I didn't have the temperament for the job but it was an education in the horrors/wonders of emergency work.  The funniest memory I ha...
Posted by Joshua on Fri, 05 May 2006 06:50:00 PST

Link to Sam Tam

Sam Tam and my instructor Jordan Yes this is real... Seriously... Scary isn't it? Wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there....
Posted by Joshua on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:51:00 PST


Ok, so a few weeks ago Amber had recieved a request for us to model for a guest ranch's advertisement in Bridal magazine.  She agreed for us and last saturday we drove out to the middle of nowher...
Posted by Joshua on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:32:00 PST

W00t go Jen!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Jen on the wee baby girl you have growing within your abdomen!  If you know of any good uncle reading material let me know.  I'm pretty sure my Uncle role includes lots of money.&nb...
Posted by Joshua on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:45:00 PST