Martial Arts(duh) specifically Tai Chi, Wing Chun, and I Chuan. Videogames (Oblivion,Geometry Wars,Tetris), Books(science fiction/fantasy)
Robin Williams (still)...that's about it...I find this section a little odd. I want to meet people I haven't met yet...and reconnect with people I used to know...I've been fortunate in that my life has been surrounded by amazing people.
No rap or country. Enjoy(in no particular order or sense) classical music, chamber(anuna), cranberries, coldplay, Doogie Maclean(folk), U2, Moby, techno, whatever Amber is playing on her playlist.
Ah, yes, le filme...Interesting film fact, My first day of martial art instruction I met Chiu Chi Ling (the tailor from Kung-fu Hustle). He's an interesting individual. You point a camera at him and he'll be shirtless and lubed up faster than anyone else on the planet. Also a great martial artist.Movies I like in no particular order: Shawshank Redemption, the Last Starfighter, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Goonies, Sneakers, Best Friends, UHF, A Simple Twist of Fate, 12:01, etc....Movies I wish had never been made, or at the very least had not occupied my time:Any of the new Star Wars Movies...please God why? Lolita(shudder), Mission to Mars, space congo many poor people could that movie's budget have fed?
I no longer watch TV, if a friend finds a good series I wait until the season is released on DVD and rent it. No commercials, no interruptions, I can pause and go to the bathroom(no tivo) Shows I've seen and enjoy: The Dead Zone, Carnivale, The West Wing, Battlestar Galactica,Dead like Me, Desparate Housewives.
I once remarked to a friend, "If it has words, and you put it in front of me I will read it." I noticed that I ended up reading alot of crap. I love sci-fi and fantasy...Metaplanetary is one of the best books, it has to be traverses fiction and really blurs the line towards literature.
My parents for giving me the tools, my family for giving me the support, my friends for giving me the encouragement and my wife for giving me a chance.