hanging out with friends, being on my own, reading, shopping, sleeping, traveling, going to festivals and concerts,talking, taking pictures, going for long walkes in the woods, hanging around in the woods, eating in general,chocolate.
like you get to choose...
adam green, the libertines, the strokes, the kinks, sonic youth, snow patrol, belle & sebastian, the beatles, mando diao, alice in chains, muse, ministri, slut, system of a down, queens of the stone age, nirvana, the organ, the kooks, tori amos, jeff lewis band, only son, babyshambles, marlene dietrich, sportfreunde stiller, placebo, arctic monkeys, deftones, tomte, the horrors, primordial, the doors, the monkeys, the melvins, madsen, die toten hosen, rhesus, the yeah yeah yeahs, jimy hendrix, wolfmother, the clash...
wonderboys, virgin suicides, 11:14, die fetten jahre sind vorbei, lammbock, the big lebowski, edward siccorhands, orange county, dark water, barfuss, almost famous little girl blue, slc punk, garden state, hard days night, high fidelity, charlie and the chocolate factory, der tag der toten ente
american dad
picture of dorian grey, a song of ice and fire, brot der fühen jahre, rebecca, virgin suicides, nixen kuss, geld oder leben, die verlorene ehre der katharina blum, das versprechen, blaue wunder, glue, das oblatendünne eis des halben zweidrittelwissens, green eggs and ham, i hate myself and want to die - the 52 most depressing songs you've ever heard, fuck this book
Die fesche lola