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I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well, hello! Welcome to my Myspace. My name is Dani'elle, but for the sake of the horrible attempts on proper pronunciation most people call me Dee. I'm currently 22 years old, attend college, work regularly, play Xbox live, and enjoy cosplaying with my friends. I have been cosplaying for over 7 years, but I didn't start attending conventions until 2004. In 2004 - 2006 I only made trips to local conventions throughout Florida. In 2006, I finally broke out of the state boundary and made it to other areas of the country. Now, I am looking forward to making this next convention season the best yet.

I adore meeting new people, and more than that people interested in the same things as me. Mostly, I just enjoy talking to people with a nice cup of coffee and interesting conversation. Work, school, cosplay, games, movies, music, books...especially books, anime, you name the conversation and I'll be more than happy to have it with you. I always love learning new things, and I've found other peoples experiences to be the best way of doing so outside of school. So, please feel free to stop me for a chat, send me a message, or ask me anything you like. I'm always happy to respond!

My Blog

Resident Evil, remember it’s not for the fans.

Well, as I was sitting here in my boredom I thought to myself why not watch a movie? Well, what movie was the next question I could gather. After filling through my many movies, finding nothing, and t...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 13:38:00 GMT

Tigers have stripes and cheetahs have spots

So, while perusing my myspace account today I noticed it had been sometime since I wrote a blog update or rather anything at all on this shall be an update of sorts.Real Life:In case you mis...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 23:59:00 GMT

If Orange was a color and Orange was a fruit too.

                                    What's Your Reputation at Hog...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:24:00 GMT

With all good things there is a squirrel.

Well, well. What do you know? A blog. You know I haven't written one of these in awhile but I thought since Ann was so nice to share the news about Joanns sale I thought that I would do a cosplay upda...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:07:00 GMT

Look to the left, there's a white rabbit.

So, this early morning I state the things on my mind. I was planning to actually go off this weekend though I first promised myself I wouldn't. Things worked out though, something else came up so it w...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 23:17:00 GMT

Again...not too sure about this one.

Read My ResultTake the TestGod help me my mother has placed so much Christmas Rubbish up....annoying!!! AHH....she even had music playing when I got home. Scary....being it's not even Thanksgiving yet...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 17:40:00 GMT

What do you guys think?

Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion |||||||||||| 46% Stability |||||||||||| 50% Orderliness |||||||||||||| 53% Accommodation |||||||||||| 50% Interdependence ||||||||...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:40:00 GMT

Sure, blame the whale.

Violence in Video Games             Violence demonstrated in video games is found to cause realistic violence in children. Is this truly the case? The medi...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 13:55:00 GMT

Where is my Lion?

Okay, like always ignore the title...if you don't know by now they have absolutely nothing to do with anything. Time for some updates, yeah?Convention:  Well, Jacon is slowly arriving. I booked m...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 14:29:00 GMT

Snapple....Pink Lemonade

Ignore the's what I am drinking at the moment. So, I had a great time at Megacon...I met a lot of new people...took a ton of pictures...and got to go to a performance by D'espairs Ray. They...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 21:43:00 GMT