*:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* profile picture

*:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:*

.:mOsT KnOwN uNknOwN:.oTiS wAs HiS nAmE BuT kEePiN' iT ReAL wAs JuS A GaMe wE UsE ToO pLaY BuT HaTiN

About Me

...What's Good? My Name Is Jess A.K.A "Jesse Girl". I'm Native American (Navajo), From A Lil' Place Called Seba Dalkai, Az. This Is My Page, Love Me Or Hate Me; I Could Care Less Well I Really Don't Care, I Know I Do Have Haterz Out There. "Anywayz," Let Me Know What You Think About My Page! I'm An Out Going Person, Who Loves To Spend Time With Family & Friends. I'm A Nice Person Once You Get To Know Me. I'll Make You Laugh; When Your Down, I'll Be Serious When; You Need Me To Be. I'll Even Make You Cry; When You Want Me To. I'm A Loving, Caring, Person Who Is Always Trying To Be There For The Ones She Really Loves. If You Wanna Get To Know Me Jus Holla Aight, I Won't Bit Until You Want Me Too! =P...
♥*♥*The One & Only ♥Johnny Depp♥*♥~*+*In Memory Of Timothea A. Cereceres*+*~ ~*+*"Dea" Always In My Heart*+*~

My Interests

Name: .JeSs a.K.a "iShA".:
Birthdate: .nOvEmBeR NinEtH, EiGhtySeVeN.:
Birthplace: .TuBa CiTy, aRiZoNa.:
Current Location: .PhOeNiX, aRiZoNa.:
Eye Color: .BrOWn/BuLE.:
Hair Color: .ReDiSh bRoWn/bLaCk.:
Height: .FiVe'fOuR.:
Piercings: .FiVe.:
Tatoos: .fOuR.:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: .yEa (BoYfRiEnd).:
Overused Phraze: ."Do dA DaM thAnG"..."aLwAyz"..."StOoPiD"..."Mah BAdd yO"..."dA f*cK"..."F*cK nO".:
Food: ...LaUgHs, i DuNnO Yo!...
Candy: ...sKiTtLez "TaStE dA rAiNbOw"...
Number: ...21...
Color: ...bLuE, BLuE, & aLwaYz bLuE...
Animal: ...HoRsEs, I LoVe aNiMaLs ToO...
Drink: ...CheRrY dR. PePpEr...
Alcohol Drink: ...i DoN'T dRiNk...
Bagel: ...nAdA, ZeRo yO...
Letter: ...B...
Body Part on Opposite sex: ...HmM, LeT's sEe He'S LiPs, sMiLe =)...
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: ...bOtH...
McDonalds or BurgerKing: ...HmM, i wOuLd SaY MiCkEy D's...
Strawberry or Watermelon: ...sTrAwBeRrYs...
Hot tea or Ice tea: ...iCe tEa...
Chocolate or Vanilla ...ChOcoLaTe "fOr Da hYpErNeSs"...
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: ...CoFFee *StArBuCkz*...
Kiss or Hug: ...bAbY u KnOw i WaNt BoTh...
Dog or Cat: ...BotH, i LoVe aNiMaLs...
Rap or Punk: ...rAp...
Summer or Winter: ...SuMmEr...
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: ...BoTh...
Love or Money: ...bOTh...
Bedtime: ...WhEn eVa i GeTz TiReD...
Most Missed Memory: ...SpEnT WiTh My NiEcE TimOThEa ApRiL C. R.i.P "DeA". ShE's aLwAys iN My hEaRt, sHe's My AnGeL...
Best phyiscal feature: ...mY bLuE EyEz & My iNnOcEnT SmiLe =)...
First Thought Waking Up: ...HeArTs cHaNgE ThEy aLwAyz Do, bUt PaRt Of tHiS hEaRt WiLL aLwAYz BeLoNg tO YoU!...
Goal for this year: ...LiVe dAy By DaY, mAkE MeMoRiEs oF LiFe...
Best Friends: ...i HaVe aLoT oF fRieNds n ThEy aLL KnOw wHo dEy ArE, tHeY GoTz mY bACk LiKe i GoTz dEy BaCk...
Weakness: ...LoSiNg tHe OnEs i LoVe & cHeRiSh ThE MoSt...
Fears: ...gOiNg BaCk tO tHe WaY i WaS...
Heritage: ...nAvAjO...
Longest relationship: ...CuRrEntLy mY ReLaTiOnsHiP nOw WiTh My BoO...
Ever Drank: ...YeA, wHen i WaS yOuNg & StuPid...
Ever Smoked: ...YeA, bUt WhY sTaRt ThAt AgAin...
Pot: ...YeA, wHeN i wAs YoUnG & sTuPid...
Ever been Drunk: ...yEa, tOo mUcH TimEs wHeN i WaS yOuNg & sTuPiD...
Ever been beaten up: ...nOpEz, NoTcHeT...
Ever beaten someone up: ...yUpPz, wHeN i WaS LiKe 10 YrS. oLd...
Ever Shoplifted: yEa, HeLLa sCaRy WouLdn'T cHaNcE iT AgAiN...
Ever Skinny Dipped: ...HeLL nO Yo f*Ck DaT...
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: ...DuH, WaTdA sToOPiD QuEsTiOn =P...
Been Dumped Lately: ...nOpEz...
Favorite Eye Color: ...HiS bRoWn EyEz...
Favorite Hair Color: ...His cReWcUt...
Short or Long: ...sHoRt...
Height: ...SiX'tWo...
Style: ...GoTtA LoVe a MaN iN uNiFoRm...
Looks or Personality: ...mAh BoO gOtz BoTh...
Hot or Cute ...He'S bOTh...
Drugs and Alcohol: ...wAtEvA =P...
Muscular or Really Skinny: ...hMm, He'S MuScuLaR...
Number of Regrets in the Past: ...i ReGrEt aLoT Of tHiNgs But tHeY aLL hApPeN FoR a ReAsOn...
What country do you want to Visit: ...NeW zEaLaNd...
How do you want to Die: ...CaR AcCiDeNt WiTh nO pAin...
Been to the Mall Lately: ...nOpEz iT's bEeN AwHiLe...
Do you like Thunderstorms: ...yeA, i LiKe it eSp. DuRiNg tHe SuMmEr's BaCk hOme...
Get along with your Parents: ...aLwAyS, i LoVe My pArEnTs...
Health Freak: ...NoPeZ...
Do you think your Attractive: ...yEa i Do, bUt dO u?...
Believe in Yourself: ...YeA, i dO At TiMes bUt My BoYfRieNd, mY PaReNts, Mi FaMiLia & sUm Of My fRieNds aLwAys BeLiEvE iN mE...
Want to go to College: ...HiGh-tEcH iNsTiTuTe, PhOeNix Az...
Do you Smoke: ...nOpEz, WhY sHouLd i StaRt tHat AgAiN...
Do you Drink: ...NoPeZ...
Shower Daily: ...YeS zUr DuH!...
Been in Love: ...YeA, mY HeArT BeLOngS To a MaRiNe...
Do you Sing: ...sUmTimEs...
Want to get Married: ...MaYbE, i'M NoT sUrE YeT...
Do you want Children: ...HmM i DuNnO mAyBe...
Have your future kids names planned out: ...YeA, oF cOuRsE...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ...WaTdA f*Ck ToO LaTe fOr ThAT LmAo!...
Hate anyone: ...oF cOuRsE DeM hAtErz WhO nEeD tO GrOw uP...

I'd like to meet:

~*+*In Memory Of LPC Kevin Boyd Joyce*+*~ ~*+*A.K.A_"Pretty_Boy"_*+*~


...KrAyZiE, BiZzY, LaYziE, WiSh, *aLL dEm bOnE ThUgS n HaRmOnY*...*Mo ThUgs FaMiLy*...Dj u-NeEk...*sOuTh PaRt MeXiCaNs*...eMiNeM...NiCkeLbAcK...tOo$hOrT...YoUnG jEeZy...weStSiDe CoNnEcTiOn...MetLLiCa...Mr. cRiMiNaL...mR. CaPoNe_E...Mr. sHaDoW...*TeCh_n9nE* (is aLL AbOuT tEcH)...MiSseZ...JiM jOnEs...RiCk rOsS...LoVe aLL KiNds oF MuSiC fRoM Rap, R&B, HiP_hOp, aLtErNaTivE, CoUnTrY...i'LL AdD sUm MoRe LaTeR...


...*sCaRfAce*...Mi ViDa LoCa...LiViNg tHe LiFe...bLoOd iN & bLooD oUt...Mi FaMiLiA...fRiDaY...NeXt fRidAy...FriDaY aFtEr NeXt...8 MiLe...LoVe & bAsKeTbALL...pLaYeRz cLuB...gEtTiNg pLayEd...tHe MaRiNe...LiNe bEtWeEn LoVe & HaTe...ThE GaRdiAn...hApPy FeEt...cRyBaBy...BaMbi 2...bAby BoY...i LoVe WaTcHiN' AcTiOn MoVieS, BuT i'LL HoLLA!...


...CoPs (cOuRtV)...EvErYoNe LoVes RaYmOnD...ReBa...pAsSiOnS...aMeRiCAn cHoPpErs...NaScAr...FoOtBaLL (rAiDeRz)...bAsKetBaLL (Az WiLdCaTs)...sTiLL StAnDiNg...KiNg oF QuEeNs...ChArMs...i'M StiLL tHiNkiN' AbOuT mORe, BuT i'LL HoLLa!...



...My HeRos ArE;...♥ My LoViNg PaReNtS WiThOuT ThEm i WouLdN't Be HeRe ToDaY! i LoVe ThEm So MuCh! i'M MaMaS BaBy GiRl & DadDy's LiL' ToMboY!...My GrAnDmA WhO iS ThE StRoNgEsT PeRsOn i KnOw, i LoOk Up tO HeR aLoT. ShE iS So PeRiCoUs To mE iN So MaNy WaYs!...mY FaMiLy WhO iS aLwAyS ThErE FoR mE To WhEn i NeEd ThEm, We'Ve bEeN ThRoUgH aLoT ToGeThEr! My LoVe fOr ThEm WeLL NeVeR FaDe...My NePheW StEvEn, WhO iS iN ThE NaTiOnaL GrAuDs wHo HaS BeEn iN irAq FoR a YeAr & He'S CoMiNg HoMe iN MaRcH...My fRiEnDs wHo aLL HaVe mY bAcK & thEy aLL kNoW i GoT ThEiR bAcK...

My Blog


    IN MEMORY OF LANCE CPL. KEVIN BOYD JOYCE a.k.a "PRETTY BOY" http://www.killerkiwi.net/"> src="http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/6233/0a7e7d14b58b232e2 332954c75ab4...
Posted by *:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 02:07:00 PST

"Something Special About You"

Something Special About YouI don't know how to explain it,If only you could truly see,How much I really care for you,How much you mean to me. I look forward to seeing you every day,The grin that ...
Posted by *:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:23:00 PST

Why You Went Away

"Why You Went Away"   Im sorry I didnt know, Im sorry I wasnt there, Now, Im here all alone, You left, its just not fair.   I cant understand, How could you die? When I need you so ...
Posted by *:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:19:00 PST


"Words"As I sit here and try to write,The day slips softly into night. It seems I can never find the words,I never know where to start. It's impossible to express the feelings,I have for y...
Posted by *:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:16:00 PST


DeaMy Life changed, the very moment I found out That you had passed away.I couldn't stop it; there was nothing I could say.You've touched my life so deeply to a point you will never kn...
Posted by *:.SnOoKiE wOoKiE.:* on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:52:00 PST