♥Lauren Rachel♥ profile picture

♥Lauren Rachel♥

♥LoVe Me FoR mE♥™

About Me

My name is Lauren, I'm 20 years old and my life is undergoing a lot of change. I woke up a few days ago hating my life, bored of the same thing day after day. I was depressed over my looks, my job, and financial issues. I decided that I needed to motivate myself to move forward. I recently started eating more healthy, and started to go to the gym. I'm sick of being the fat girl nobody wants to be friends with or date, but most of all I want to lose this weight for myself so that I can be healthy and I can live life a little bit longer.I'm also back in school at Queensborough Community College and I'm Loving it! I cannot change everything over night, but as each day passes I feel If i at least try and give effort I can accomplishing many things. I'm not stupid, and I am not a failure! The only way to fail is to give up on all hope! and I will never give up on myself. I've learned to start caring about myself, something I have never done before, and I will never go back to the old me. Life is about constant change, and there is no turing back from here!
** My Friends Are Amazing ** Jaime- Thank you so much for always being there for me, You really are a great friend. I have no idea where i would be without you! Haha I'm glad we have a lot in common! Thanks again for always be their to cheer me up and make me smile :) I love ya!
Adam- I love you more then anything. You are always their for me, You are my first love, and no matter what i'll always love you! You know how to make me smile and make me happy :) thank you for always being their for me!
Kristin- I know with both of us being busy, we haven't really talked in a while, and i miss that. You are a great friend, and i love when we hangout, play with make up, or just doing whatever. We need to hang out more often and find time! i Love ya!
Barbara- Barbara we have been friends for so long now! I'm glad we are still friends. Haha i love ya! anywho we have been through it all, the good times.. the bad times...and some stupid funny times lol. We need to strop Drifting!! And listen to that old chinese man! he's right!
Ricky- Ricccckyyy! Sexxi sexxi!, I've been thinking so much latley how close we use to be, and i miss those days. We need to figure out a time and we must hang out! i miss the old days and saaaammmmy! your a great friend! and i miss ya
Gina- Gina It's been a while since he hung out! we need to do that sometime soon and get coffee or tea Or something! lol! Hey whenever you want, lets hang out and go to the gym! it will be fun! i'm so glad we are friends hehe :)
Mark- Haha I love you! You are craaazzzy and silly, and i love that about you! You always know how to make me laugh! and i love that we share a certain like to some songs like Kt's songs! i miss hanging out! and i miss our random trips to NYC for hot dogs or Yaffa cafe!! or our sex shop visits! haha love u hunny!!!! Ben- I don't know even what to say lol. we have fun when we hang out, your a funny guy. I'm glad we became friends..and i hope we are able to go away on vacation! that would be a lot of fun!!!! Thanks for always being their for me and always making me laugh! congrats on the new car!!!.... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
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Lauren Likes
♥To Laugh
♥Drinking Iced Coffee
♥Hanging out with friends
♥Driving around,blasting music
♥Holding Hands
♥To Cuddle
♥Guys with brown hair,light eyes
♥Watching movies in bed
♥Playing pool, or bowling
♥Law and Order SVU
♥Comedian Louis C.K
♥Going to Applebees/Diner Late hours
♥Hopeless Romantics
Lauren Dislikes
♥Boys who lie
♥Myspace whores/spammers
♥when people crack their knuckles
♥the high prices of gas
♥Waking up early
♥People who get drunk everyday
♥People who add, without sending a message.

My Interests

I love hanging out with anyone i consider my friend, Watching movies, listening to music *ipod*, Taking radom drives; its a shame gas is so high. Anything really

I'd like to meet:

♥People who like to have fun, who are laid back, know how to joke around. Looking for a guy who will accept me for me. Message me if you want to talk. ♥

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I REally just ♥ Everything.
♥ The Doors,The Beatles,Rolling Stones, Breaking Benjamin, Bon Jovi, Guns and Roses, KoRn, Disturbed, All Amercian rejects, Fall out boy, Papa Roach, Yellowcard, Queens of the stone age, Missy Eliot, Ashely Simpson, Jessica Simpson, ... so much more ♥


-Pretty in pink -Breakfast club -Now and then -E.T -wedding singer -Meet the parents -big daddy -happy gilmor -billy maddison -speed movies -american pie/wedding -never been kissed -leage of their own -while you were sleeping -independce day -kill bill -phatom of the opera -ALL DISNEY MOVIES! -Bridget jones diary -how to lose a guy in 10 days -free willie(lol) -


♥ Law and Order *SVU* -Family Guy*-REal World*-Road Rules*-The Surreal Life*-Friends****OLD SHOWS** My little pony* Strawberry shortcake* Smurfs* Fraggle Rock* Muppets/Muppet babies* Pete + Pete* Are You afraid of the Dark* All That* Land of the lost* Ren and Stimpy* Rocko's modern life*


Harry Potter Series!


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My Blog

Boyfriend Application

boyfriend application BASICS:Name:Age:Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos:Number:OTHER:1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three (or more) of your favorite bands/artist...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:38:00 PST

Almost a year later......

Well..... I don't really ever write on this blog, but i think its odd that almost a year later i have another issue with my car.....read on if you wanna   So...in my blog "people suck dick" or wh...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:03:00 PST

Pt Job!!!!

If anyone is looking for the pt job on the weekeds let me know, they pay $11 per hour and up!!!   -Lauren  ...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 02:08:00 PST

People Suck Big DICK!

Tonight was suppose to be a goodnight....however it went soo soo soo wrong..me and adam went to dinner at benihana..that was all good until we went to the movies. We went to see the 10pm showing of MU...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 02:20:00 PST

Terra Chips!!

OMG! lol..i know this is pointless..but the blue terra chips are soo yummy!! any one else try them???? yum yum :)   ¢¾...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

R.I.P Fritz

i would just like to take a momment and say RIP to my kitty Fritz, he was 16 yrs old....old kitty..but such a sweet kitty!! u will be missed :( RIP Fritz- 5/16/05 :( .....been having issues wit...
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'ven never writen in this before

so yes hello...i;m sure no one is reading this....but i just felt like writing in this because i never have before..lets see nothing in my life is intresting...oh..and adam passed his permit test yay....
Posted by ♥ La La ♥™ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST