Hi muh name is Keyana Roberts but I go buh Keyana TeNeice!? Well Im a very outgoing person. I luv to haf fun n b me!? I enjoy meeting new ppl n goin new places!? Im very outspoken @ times n I luv to lauf!? I lyk dressing up, taking pics, and etc!? I want to becum a sucessful model and actress!? I am not a hoe so if u tryna come @ me wit that dumb shyt juss leave muh page now!? Well thats enuff about me!?found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Keyana TeNiece Roberts
Date of Birth: June 11, 1988
Birthplace: Plano, Tx
Current Location: Plano
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: It Wuz Sandy Red Now Its Juss Red
Height: 5'8 n a half
Heritage: Black wit a lil Indian
Piercings: 3
Tattoos: Im Afraid Of Needles
Band/Singer: Dont Haf A Fav
Song: Too Many
Movie: I Enjoy Movies
Disney Movie: There R A Few
TV show: ANTM
Color: Blu
Food: Anything Thats Gud To Me
Pizza topping: Beef
Ice-Cream Flavor: Banana Pudding
Drink (alcoholic): Hurricane
Soda: Dont Drink Any
Store: Agaci
Clothing Brand: Not Really A Label Hoe (lol)
Shoe Brand: Bakers
Season: Summer
Month: June (its muh b-day month bitches)
Holiday/Festival: Christmas (gifts/money)
Flower: Dont Haf One (mostly all of them stink)
Make-Up Item: Eye Liner
Board game: Monopoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny...Duh
Chocolate or vanilla: Va..Va..Va..Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Both
Love or money: Both
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: Both (he has 2b presentable)
Coffee or tea: Milk
Hot or cold: Hot
Goal for this year: Find An Agency
Most missed memory: Muh Bitch Ruth
Best physical feature: Umm.......Me
First thought waking up: Its Cold In Dis Damn House
Hypothetical personality disorder: Bi-Polar (lol)
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Nuthin...Im Perfect (cant u tell)
Sesame street alter ego: I Guess Elmo (he's the only one I really kno...lol)
Fairytale alter ego: Shit...Idk Hell
Most stupid remark: Ya Mama
Worst crime: Stealin (lol)
Greatest ambition: Bcumin A Super Model & Actress
Greatest fear: Death
Darkest secret: If I Tell It Wont B A Secret....Duh
Favorite subject: Math
Strangest received gift: Nuthin (lol)
Worst habit: Cursin
Do You:
Smoke: Naw Its Not 4 Me (I startd actn paranoid...lol)
Drink: Yep...Now Im All About That One
Curse: Hell Naw...Now Wut Wood I Look Lyk
Shower daily: Hell 2 Da Yes
Like thunderstorms: Yea I Sleep So.......Much Betta
Dance in the rain: Naw....Dats White Ppl Type Of Shit (lol)
Sing: I Try
Play an instrument: Yea.....Muh Nose (lol)
Get along with your parents: Muh Dad...Yes Muh Mom...Sumtimes
Wish on stars: Only Shooting Ones
Believe in fate: Yes
Believe in love at first sight: Yep...It Got Me
Can You:
Drive: Yea
Sew: Yea (thanks home economics)
Cook: Most Def ...U Hungry
Speak another language: Yea...Ghetto (lol)
Dance: I Can Shake It (lol)
Sing: Damn...Didnt I Say That I Tried (lol)
Touch your nose with your tongue: Naw (it barely touches muh bottom lip)
Whistle: Yep...N Loud Too
Curl your tongue: Yea
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Naw Juss Tipsy (I kno muh limit)
Been Stoned/High: Yep Dont Lyk It (I get way too paranoid)
Eaten Sushi: Hell To Da Naw (Ima leave dat to da Asians)
Been in Love: Yea...I Am Rite Now (awww)
Skipped school: Uh...Uh (but I missd da bus lol)
Made prank calls: Yea...Hella Its Funny (u should try it)
Sent someone a love letter: Naw...Not Muh Style
Stolen something: Uh...Huh
Cried yourself to sleep: Sad But True
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Messy & Too Damn Nosy
Are you right or left handed? Rite....But I Can Write Muh Left Too
What is your bedtime? When Muh Eye Ball Sees Muh Eye Lids
Name three things you can't live without: Ice, Food, Cell Fone
What is the color of your room? Uh.....White
Do you have any siblings? Yea
Do you have any pets? Yea (Suga)
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Hell Naw (a mil wont keep yo ass out of hell)
What is you middle name? TeNeice
What are you nicknames? KeKe, Kida-Key, Key-lolo, Miss Bitch, Wheech............
Are you for or against gay marriage? Against
What are your thoughts on abortion? Did Ya Mama Kill Yo Funky Ass (keep ya legs closed)
Do you have a crush on anyone? Naw...Im Too Big 4 Dat
Are you afraid of the dark? No....Im Too Big 4 Dat Too
How do you want to die? In Muh Sleep (I dont wanna suffer)
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Idk (but I can n will eat da whole box if no1 stops me)
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Uh...Uh (at least Im bn honest)
What is the last law you?ve broken? Drinkin Alcoholic Beverages (lol...yumm)
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Nuthin Weird
Eye color: Hazel/ Lite Brown
Height Taller Dan Me (wit hills)
Weight I Dont Want A Fat Ass Niggah (lol)
Most important physical feature: Their Teeth...Sorry Ima Fanatic (lol)
Biggest turn-off Dirty/Dingy Lookn (gotta kno how to dress)
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