music, pc games, ps2 games, makan, tido, transformers, transformers toys, my collections of transformers toys, ESP 7string viper baritone, bleach anime
my "List O'Seven" girl...hohohoho...ade soalan tanye en. apik
yg tak merepek
Action/Adventure, Adaptation, Animation, Art/Foreign, Biopic, Classics, Comedy, Crime/Gangster, Documentary, Drama, Holiday, Kids/Family, Miscellaneous, Musical/Performing Arts, Politics/Religion, Remake, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Sequel, Special Interest, Sports, Suspense/Horror, Teen, Thriller, War, Western and last but not least Porn
watch tv = zzzZZzzZZzzz....
buku yg ade gambar pastu takde text....
hiro nakamura...YATTAA!!!!