elly profile picture


i love the open road...

About Me

i'm a student. i love coffee, italy and old movies. i'm easily amused and satisfied. happiness is a choice, and i try to choose it everyday, though some days i give in and have a bad day like everyone else.i love squishing my toes in mud (but only if i can clean them off somewhat promptly), butterscotch candies, being alone at parks and museums, and a good whiskey. My pirate name is: Bloody Mary Flint Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

My Interests

photographs, greek temples, espresso, green, Roma (my favorite city in the world), vino, cioccolato, blood oranges!, gelato.

I'd like to meet:

anyone, really, just as long as you don't ask me out.... you think i'm joking, but i'm not.


feist, sufjan stevens, bright eyes, cake, weezer, belle and sebastian, nada surf, sixpence none the richer, interpol, damien rice, the cardigans, norah jones, the modern skirts, the beatles, just jack, justin timberlake, brand new, the bedouin soundclash, coldplay, maggie pierce and e.j., bjork, ben kweller, brendan benson, the shins, keane, the postal service, death cab for cutie, lovedrug, phantom planet, the flaming lips, muse.... if you want to know more, ask....


amelie, billy elliot, an american in paris , boondock saints, life is beautiful, pride and prejudice, thoroughly modern millie, the american president, moulin rouge, jackass, empire records, strictly ballroom (greatest), hmmm.. that's enough


haven't watched tv all semester... just movies.Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts


mansfield park, the divine comedy, the pendgragon cycle, harry potter, and anything else jane austen


non lo so.

My Blog


so. i moved into an apartment off of south grand. with meg, steph and liz from school. it's a great apartment. and i'm getting a bigger bed. it's exciting. i can barely fit on my small bed anymore. if...
Posted by elly on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:08:00 PST

pin-up girls

i did a couple of quizzes... pin-up girl quizzes... i think they're funny... both picked me as a brunette... couldn't decide which i liked best. any thoughts...?You are Bettie PageGirl next door with ...
Posted by elly on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 07:18:00 PST

accidents happen

so, i got into a car accident friday. luckily it was with a friend, who was understanding. actually the cars both only have minor bumper damage... mine's hurt more than his... that'll teach me to list...
Posted by elly on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 08:22:00 PST

new things

so... i'm writing this to sort of keep myself accountable. i'm done dilly dallying. time to step up when it comes to me and my life. I'm really frustrated with a lot of people in my life right now. mo...
Posted by elly on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:29:00 PST


it's nice... but the damn sneezing has got to stop!!! i've probably sneezed close to 20 times already today... they always come in ten minute fits!that's all. have a good .... st. patrick's day.sorry ...
Posted by elly on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:32:00 PST

going dancing

so... the weather was nice today... it's a little less nice looking outside right now... but i have hope for tomorrow... and a little rain wouldn't hurt. i've had an interesting couple of days... and ...
Posted by elly on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:14:00 PST

my real age

so, i was bored earlier and i clicked on some stupid link to find out what my "real age" is... my body's age. i wish i hadn't taken the dumb test.... i'm not quite 22 and a half by when i was born... ...
Posted by elly on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:57:00 PST


we got a cat. well, sort of. we're housing it indefinitely for my sister's boyfriend. his name's norman. my allergies are already getting better, so that's great... and the dog is doing pretty well wi...
Posted by elly on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

unpleasant day.

i can't eat... all day, the only things i've have are 3 plastic cups of sugar-free jello and some chicken broth. the medicine i'm taking is making me nauseas. stay away from the gastroenterologist if ...
Posted by elly on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 06:41:00 PST

crazy story, but it's all ok.

so... since november a lot has happened for me. the most important news is that i don't have cancer! after seeing dr. shafqat (hematologist) for a few months, my platelets were still low in january we...
Posted by elly on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:37:00 PST