Char/MILO's MySpace profile picture

Char/MILO's MySpace

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About Me

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Ruff Ruff Howwwwwwwwl! I'm the doggie on this profile and I am sharing this "space" with my mommy. My name is Milo and it's pronounced like "Mee-low". A lot of people call me "M-eye-low" and when they do, I give them a dumbfounded stare!! I was born on April 10, 2005 in Santa Cruz, CA.. I am a full bred Siberian Husky. Some people think I am skinny, but my Dr. says that I am "perfect" for my age. My mommy and daddy work a lot of hours during the week, so I spend a great deal of time at daycare. It's so much fun though, I have 50-70 doggie friends that I play with when I am there. I have a brother named Kona and we almost look like twins! I love hanging out with him, but he always picks fights with me. He has pictures on MySpace, however, his mommy hasn't given him MySpace privileges yet haha (Hi Auntie Woody!)! I have tons of energy and love going for walks/runs. I'm such a ham... I always have strangers oohing and awwing over my eyes! However, this doesn't make me conceited, I just LOOOVE the attention. I love boba, stealing my parents' dirty socks, playing tug-of-war, walks to the park with my dad, getting bathed and massaged. I have two other siblings, Ginger and Ninja. They are the bunnies you see on this page. We have our moments... Sometimes I like to pep them up by running back and forth in front of their cage. Ninja loves giving me bunny kisses all the time... what can I say, it's brotherly love. Well, that's me in a nutshell. I'd love to meet some doggie friends here on MySpace, so bark if you're interested!
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Most people call me "Char" for short. I like to think of myself as understanding, open-minded and a fun person to be around. I tend to be shy at first, but eventually I warm up to those who I can trust and relate to. I believe everyone has a story of their life (upbringings, experiences, etc.)... I love listening, so if you're willing to share - do tell. I have a supporting family, great friends and a wonderful boyfriend. I couldn’t ask for anything more! Sometimes change and taking chances can be quite scary, but I'm learning that most of the time it can be a blessing in disguise.
I believe family is most important & realize it more as each day goes by. Also, you've got to have great friends that can make you laugh, smile and be by your side when you need them most. I miss you guys!!"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear."

My Interests

MY NEWEST BABY - MILO!!! ("Mee-Low")
Spending quality time with ADAM
. My Pup pup Milo, Polynesian dancing, running/hiking, beach, visiting my family in Daygo, 5 o'clock sessions, Fall season, hanging out with friends, gardening, movies, my bunnies, camping trips, crocheting, crafts and answering questions on Yahoo Answers. I can freely offer my opinions :-)

I'd like to meet:



BIRTHDAY HUGS FOR MOMMY I have met some interesting people here on MySpace. I've already found my match :-) So, besides love... I'd like to meet anyone who has a fun and optimistic personality, is kind, honest, down to Earth and can carry a meaningful conversation. Looking for new and old far so good (Hi Divina & Kate). Auntie Lizard: MAHALO FOR THE INVITE!!


R&B, Hip-hop, House, Trance, Reggae, Oldies, Polynesian, Alternative, Classical... just about everything except metal.



Top Gun, Pearl Harbor, The Notebook, Crash, Bad Boys I & II, all Karate Kid movies, Goonies, Sixteen Candles, The Lake House, Eight Below, The Pursuit of Happyness... and any movies with Keanu Reeves or Johnny Depp. Action and ROMANCE.

Independence Day


ER, 24, Prison Break, Animal Cops, Lifetime, Pimp my ride, Family Plots, Fear Factor, MTV Cribs, Sweet Sixteen (so I can go gag myself afterwards), home improvement shows, The Singing Bee.

MILO - Just Chillin


Anita Shreve: A Wedding in December & All He ever wanted


God, My Parents, My shrink, Keala. All of those who make America a better place to live. Oh yeah, can't forget Jack Bauer and George Mason on 24 :-)

My Blog

Were Engaged!

I am not one to blog my entire life story online, but I just wanted to share the latest exciting news in my life.  Before I get to the actual proposal story below, here's a brief story about how ...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 11:46:00 PST

IQ score of 120...???

Hmmm... I took an online IQ test and I ended up scoring 120... hmmm?? LMAO  I wonder how valid the test is.  They say 100 is average... and that is what I was shooting for.  I think I n...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:47:00 PST

Southwest Flights & People Watching...

I fly about six to ten times throughout the year (compared to those who don't fly& that could be considered a lot of flying).  Thus, I guess I could refer to myself as a frequent flyer. Every...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:48:00 PST

Article: Do Dogs Feel Love?

Below is an article I found on Yahoo, presented by Petcentric - 05/21/07 [ s-feel-love/].  I LOVE MY MILOSH!! :-)We feel tremendous love ...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:04:00 PST

Ignorance and Diversity...

A few weeks ago, while I was on my lunch hour, I stopped by the bank to deposit some money.  It was an average afternoon at the bank, 3 tellers, about 8 customers in line and a couple of loan off...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:24:00 PST

Shelter Dogs...

THANK YOU SHEENA & ALPHA RUE FOR POSTING THIS...  A great reminder for all pet owners/guardians.A man in Grand Rapids, Michigan incredibly took out a $7000 full page ad in the paper to presen...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 05:20:00 PST

I'd rather be...

Today is definitely one of those Mondays!  I feel like I am living the real life version of "Office Space"...Here are a few things I'd rather be doing: ..> - Somewhere with Adam -...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:31:00 PST


For the last 1.5 years, I've pushed my schedule to the max.  Lately, It has started to take a toll on me - I just can't find the time to balance everything: visiting and spending time with my fam...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:23:00 PST

Clairmont Farms, Los Olivos, CA.

During our mini vacation in Santa Barbara this weekend, we visited Clairmont Farms.  Basically its a family owned Lavender farm and they grow organic lavender.  I guess being in the Massage ...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 11:59:00 PST

My 29th Birthday

Adam treated me to a mini vacation birthday getaway in Santa Barbara.  It was really relaxing and fun.  We kayaked for the first time... unfortunately we didn't get any kayaking "action" pho...
Posted by Char/MILO's MySpace on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 11:36:00 PST