COOPaLOOP profile picture


ThErE aRe TwO wAyS tO sPrEaD hApPiNeSs; EiThEr Be ThE lIgHt wHo ShInEs It Or Be ThE mIrRoR wHo ReFlE

About Me

Online Now IconsHowdy! My name is Stephanie- buuut I usually go by Coop :) I am a sophomore at Kent State University which is a HUGE challenge for me at the moment. This year I have declared my major as Nursing- and let me tell is kicking my butt like whoa! Sooo I have decided it is time for me to buckle back down and start studying again- I know right-good goal? Although no worries I will always have time for my friends :) just be patient :D Ummm other than that I am someone who loves to have fun hanging out. Hehe I am easily amused so it doesn't take much to make me smile. If you have any questions for me juuust give me a hollar alright peace!Layout made by TeenageVelocity at .

My Interests

gymnastics, working out, music, running, dancing, having a good time, oh you know just chillin and livin life one day at a time


I'd like to meet:

Just about anyone. I'm pretty easy going, so if you want to rock out- hit me up.
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ANYTHING and EVERYTHING lol well there are some limits lol but I love music

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OOOO I love The Scorpion King (whew don't get me started!), Indiana Jones,Blood Sport, She's the Man, Failure to Launch...

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Browns,Family Guy, Simpsons, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Heroes (thats a new one!)- i dunno if i like it ill watch it- but i dont really have time to watch tv right now- i would much rather hang out with my friends :D

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haha yes....boooks ;)


My brother of course:)