Catwalk profile picture


About Me

Formed in 2002 and since then Catwalk playing their own songs and post punk indie covers around Ankara,Istanbul, Bursa and more...

My Interests


Member Since: 09/04/2006
Band Members: Necdet (Vocal), Mehmet (Guitar), Arda (Bass), Kivanc (Drums)
Influences: David Bowie, T-Rex, Violent Femmes, Velvet Underground, New York Dolls....
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Catwalk Live

Catwalk'u canlý izlemek isteyenleri Perþembe akþamlarý saat 11 civari BACKSTAGE (Tunali 48/A Tunali ile Esat ýn kesiþtigi yer) e bekliyoruz, giriþ ücretsiz ! :)
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 08:08:00 GMT