Other people that need to forget. People who understand what 7 marriages, 4 from dad and 3 from mom, are like. Active people. Not just physically. Ones who can show me things. Magicians. Funny people. I want you to make me fall off of my chair, buckled. People who see things in detail, who can see over and under and beyond, who are never settled with what is glistening on the surface and who would never make an instant judgement. Other people with armored aortas. Pub style people rather than club style people. Stylish people who make me want to spice myself up. I am still intrigued by people over 7 feet tall. Animal skate movie surf beer jeep music people. Smartie pantses. I still like opinionated people but shit give me a chance to be opinionated as well! Damn! Leaders and the people that follow them. People who think we might be part of the grander experiment. People who won't hurt me even when I ask them to. People with carrying skills. You may need to be carried one day too. People who are unattached. Spontaneous people who ride every set and don't have wait for the biggest, because they know it belongs to them anyway. Other alphas, but please have some respect.