Alreeeeet you have wandered onto the domain of Jacky McJackerson, you should be proud! Well I'm just your basic wilderness lovin gypsy king if im to be truly honest, enjoy goin on puuureee missions in the woods and taking advantage of drunk people when they are at their worst what can i say?! Love gettin back to my roots with one of my best Noel Edmonds Appreciation Society members Keibone and goin on scaring session up on Sutton Hall which of late has seem some intruders come and use it as their own which we are not too churpy about! I enjoy wearin the occassion wan scarf/sarong and straighten my hair too much for my own good but aslong as it doesnt fall out till iv got a wife and kids il be a happy puppy! Love giggin it, im not one of these people that say there a gigger just because they saw the kooks or the fratellis that time, i actually do go to them all the time! Also enjoy being a dirty terrorist around the city of ChesterTown on a Whatever night we decide to go out, but it normally ends up with me walkin round pissed desperately tryin to seek out my mates! I looove it when everythin just falls into place nicely, iv also learned not to trust people as easily in the future cos when i do i seem to have it thrown back at me! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE people that say there random i.e. anyone from brookfield, if your so random and crazy you dont have to broadcast it! Also who think they go on crazy missions to get food, thats what ya mums friday shops for but she doesnt call it a mission and neither should you! I also hate being ignored so take heed of the words of GrandMaster Flash and Don't Do It! Hate people who think that all eyes are on them at every occasion when people dont actually give two twats about whats going on, and they moan about it but secretly they love the attention abit too much! If you hated people having all their eyes on you, dont fan the flames and give them something to talk about! Also secretive people even when its nothing anyone is bothered about, which leads me back to the whole attention seeking business! Aswel as people that stick there nose into your business thats happened abit too much of late, even tho i do the same to everyone else! Oh and i also hate people who think they dress so different and original to everyone else, just because youv got one of those t shirts that say "DROP BEATS NOT BOMBS" or "WORK HARD, PLAY HARDER", your not original, your just followin trends if you own one of them t-shirts, dont be a clooooone! I also seem to say my R's as W's which i cant hear but apparently i do as i get constantly ridiculed for it so i dont mind now, some people seem to think its cute but i just think it makes me sound like johnathon ross! As this is turning into a rant you must all think iv got anger management issues, i'm nice really so add me and you can be one of my compadres!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Hulk Hogan, GRRRRR hulkamanias gonna go wild on your ass! Absolute legennnnnd! The Chuckle Brothers, Noel Edmonds!