Popping peoples head with my fingers from far away, Paintball, Film Making, writing in my journal , writing lyrics, photography, going to shows, going to parties, traveling, GROCERY SHOPPING as anyone knows give me like 10 bucks and il walk out with like 3 bags full of shit. sex is also an interest as well as peanut butter and paintball.
YOU! and The ING Direct guy
Oasis, Rammstein, Mars Volta, M.S.I, some Coheed, The Clash, Alexisonfire, Thursday, Wallflowers, Poison The Well, Atreyu, Funeral For a Friend, Old Radiohead, Frank Sinatra, Postal Service, Chemical Brothers, Boys Night Out, The Killers, Death From Above 1979, Jimmi Hendrix, Broken Social Scene, The Bravery, CCR, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Silverstein, Esthero, The Cure, The Smiths, Morrissey, Le Tigre, Weezer, That thing Jay Z did with Linkin Park is cool even though i despise Linkin Park, Metric, Gorillaz, The Verve, Blur, The Stills, The Streets, The Dears, The Weakerthans, Bloc Party, Counting Crows, DJ Danger Mouse, Dizze Rascall, The kinison, Muse, Dallas Green, Buck 65
Saving Private Ryan, Fightclub, Shawshank Redemption,Garden State Boondock Saints, SlC Punk, Das Experiment, Office Space, Heat, 28 Day Later, Stander, Momento, Alfie, Jarhead, Layer Cake, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Pay it forward, A Christmass Story, The Ref, Walk the line, Syriana, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Taeguki, Infernal Affairs and many more!!!
The Eagle has landed, The Newspaper, and Ghosts of The Medak Pocket, Kidnapped, Catcher In The Rye, On The Road
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