B-rad ESQ profile picture

B-rad ESQ

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey, how is everyone doing?....Ha ha Im just kidding I dont really give a shit. Three things you gotta know: I love Laura. I love film/ Photography and I love food. I pretty much love everything that branches off from those three. In an ever changing world I try my best to stay the same. Im not one of those camelions who will change there hair dress or friends with the times. I hate emo I hate preps and I hate guys who wear their collar up and wear sandals in the city. If your neither of those things then congrats. I like people who speak up for what they believe wheter it be right or wrong fashionable or not if they have the balls they have my respect. I sometimes wish it was the 1950's. I like: postcards from afar. Urban ourfitters. A girl named Laura(see: perfect). Paintball. I respect people who have to struggle for what they have and those who dont get everything from momma or dada. I think true love is blind but only because the person you will love hasnt turned on the lights yet. I hate myspace whores (male/female) how do you know ur a myspace whore? ask your self one question: "Have I met at least 60% of the people in my (friends) list" If the answer is no well then your a myspace whore. Anyways those who I love you know it and those who I dont well I probably no longer associate with you anyways. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Popping peoples head with my fingers from far away, Paintball, Film Making, writing in my journal , writing lyrics, photography, going to shows, going to parties, traveling, GROCERY SHOPPING as anyone knows give me like 10 bucks and il walk out with like 3 bags full of shit. sex is also an interest as well as peanut butter and paintball.

I'd like to meet:

YOU! and The ING Direct guy


Oasis, Rammstein, Mars Volta, M.S.I, some Coheed, The Clash, Alexisonfire, Thursday, Wallflowers, Poison The Well, Atreyu, Funeral For a Friend, Old Radiohead, Frank Sinatra, Postal Service, Chemical Brothers, Boys Night Out, The Killers, Death From Above 1979, Jimmi Hendrix, Broken Social Scene, The Bravery, CCR, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Silverstein, Esthero, The Cure, The Smiths, Morrissey, Le Tigre, Weezer, That thing Jay Z did with Linkin Park is cool even though i despise Linkin Park, Metric, Gorillaz, The Verve, Blur, The Stills, The Streets, The Dears, The Weakerthans, Bloc Party, Counting Crows, DJ Danger Mouse, Dizze Rascall, The kinison, Muse, Dallas Green, Buck 65


Saving Private Ryan, Fightclub, Shawshank Redemption,Garden State Boondock Saints, SlC Punk, Das Experiment, Office Space, Heat, 28 Day Later, Stander, Momento, Alfie, Jarhead, Layer Cake, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Pay it forward, A Christmass Story, The Ref, Walk the line, Syriana, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Taeguki, Infernal Affairs and many more!!!




The Eagle has landed, The Newspaper, and Ghosts of The Medak Pocket, Kidnapped, Catcher In The Rye, On The Road


Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Blog

If your from Bolton..

Signs you know your a Bolton kid:BY: BRAD ROYLANCE (the grammer is shit and the spelling sucks but this is me at 3 am thinking about the past) 1. You know that Bolton's only legit areas are known as N...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:36:00 PST

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

hey yall kiddies.   well im back again to tear open the blogosphere. so i gots a new place. i got such an evasive backroun check for this place my butt hole hurts. so yeah its term three. keep an...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:37:00 PST

I will try and fix me

Hey all, Hey gusy so Im a lil buzed and a lil stoned. I think the most wise thing to do is writea blog. Im listnin to tyhe new Yeah yeah yeahs song gold lion. The song fuckin kicks ass. So yeah im now...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:39:00 PST

bit off more then icould chew but through it al when ther was doubt i ate it up and spat it out

first of all the entire line i wanted would not fit without making puposfull gramatical errors to the title.   anyways shall we begin. well its been probably one of if not the most trying week of...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:13:00 PST

the things you say im rehearsing them

well awhile since the last blog, so yeah things are going ok gettin harder and harder to pay the rent  though. i cant wait till im out of school and can work more. i cant believe i lost  th...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:37:00 PST

"i smoke drugs so the kids dont have to"~B.Roylance

hello all today i was awokend at ten by dave. its funny cuz i was sleeping and the phone rang and i dremnt that i answerd the phone and i say hello but it keeps ringing. i realized i was dreaming and ...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:30:00 PST

the only difference that i see, is that you are exactly the same as it used to be

well kids its been long since my last entry. been lving in toronto now since september finally past the half way mark of my schooling and lease. its been hard living on my own. paying rent, buying foo...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:37:00 PST

as i whisper in you ear, i wanna fuckin tear you apart

hey hey hey comrades   so work was shit. i was supposed to be done at 11 but ive never closed by myself before. for those of you who dont work in the film buisnes (movie theatre) clean up time at...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:35:00 PST

walked around my good attentions and found that there were none

well tonight i was back home in the homestead of bolton. i did an interview with lil vanessa (sister) fora school project. after that i quckly dashed to the phone to see what was up with the crew. i m...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:57:00 PST

so calm the fuck down if your not gunna speak the fuck up

hey kids,   well today is Le javier 28 the early day the ,adlord wants rent however ive made ym self scarce. me and my not trusty mp3 player went for a pleasent walk around the city of toronto. t...
Posted by B-rad ESQ on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 02:32:00 PST