KellyJean profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I love my son more than anything in this world. He is my reason for breathing, and most of the time laughing as well. :) Kids are free comic relief 24/7, and oh boy do I have the stories to prove it.
I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm a smart aleck. I'm always up to meet new people and make new friends. ;) I do a lot of volunteer work because it is a great way to make new friends, is fun, and makes me feel really good about myself.
I'm working hard on growing up and being the "classy lady" I should be. It is just SO HARD when you have been born with a sailor-mouth!
I've just finished my Associate's in Medical Assisting. Next step: my Bachelor's in Nursing!
Want to know more, then ask my friends. They have a pretty good handle on who I really am by now.

My Interests

Jesus, my son, astronomy, astrology, Datsuns, reading, movies, home improvement projects (painting or refinishing furniture, reorganizing furniture, etc), Z cars, family time, volunteer work, weekend getaways, camping, scrapbooking, crocheting, 240z cars... oh and did I mention Datsun 240 Z cars? ;)

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet you if you are:
-a nurse or MA -someone to inspire me -someone to kick it with watch movies with go to the park with in the middle of the night to see who can swing the highest -someone with a dog -someone your mom successfully taught to treat others how you'd like to be treated -living in the OC -living anywhere within an hour of Anaheim, have a 240z and/or like going to the West Coast Nationals in Orange.
I'm happy being single and do not need a man to define me and make me feel good about myself. However, when God sees fit to throw that one person into my path with whom I am meant to have a fulfilling, uplifting, loving relationship with, I'm ready. It's taken me years of trial and error and getting to know myself to figure out what kind of person he should be, but generally he will be someone who does what he says he is going to do, isn't "scared" to be with me and will not hesitate to tell the world that I'm taken - by him, respects himself and others, and cherishes his family as I do mine. :)
I'll add more to this as I see fit :)

Nekkidbooty --


Pretentiously academian

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

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THIS little girl is PHENOMINAL... you have to watch this. :) Get a Kleenex handy


I listen mostly to electronica, alternative, and 80's, but I also like New Age, Gothic/Industrial, Indie, Garage, select disco titles, some classical, and stuff that the old timers call Country that I consider a FAR CRY from Country - Patsy Cline and Roy Orbison. Everything except country. If you think I haven't heard it, share it with me, maybe it'll be one of my new favorites. I'll listen to anything at least once.


The Spiderwick Chronicles, Ratatooie, Taxi, 10 Things I Hate About You, Heathers, When Harry Met Sally, American Beauty, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, 40 y.o. Virgin, Rocketman (my fave to watch with my son :), TFATF, SuperCross, Grease, An Officer and a Gentleman, Gone in 60 Seconds, Bullitt, all of the Revenge of the Nerds and Police Academy... etc....
Next time you watch A Bug's Life, watch the outtakes at the end. My son and I always collapse in giggles when the roly poly brothers have a belching contest. It ends when one of them farts, they start laughing, and Rosie the black widow shakes her head in disdain. :)


MOONLIGHT, CSI, X-Files, The Hills, BtVS, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, almost anything on HGTV, Sex and the City, Laguna Beach, Six Feet Under, Cow & Chicken, SpongeBob Squarepants


Stephen King, Nora Roberts, Anais Nin, Carl Sagan and anything else astronomy related, some sci-fi novels, Shadow Moon, Dean Koontz, kamasutra, anything Z-car related (history of or how-to's, etc.). I also just read "Finding Fish", the biography by Antwone Fisher. It's pretty amazing.


Jesus, my best friend Heather

My Blog


Warning, the following link is image-heavy: Pretty Stock Z Car...
Posted by KellyJean on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:35:00 PST

Missing my beloved Bay Street Coffee...

Ohwell, off to Starbucks I go, for my large liquid crack on ice. I have to get the house cleaned today for my dad's visit next weekend. We're going to the Z car show, yay!!! I wonder if Mr. K. w...
Posted by KellyJean on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 09:48:00 PST

Hey Jess - AKA Snow Bunny..

Somehow you're not on my friend list (when did that happen?), but I see that you're subscribed to my blogs. Can't message you without being your friend. But, can't add you because I don't know your em...
Posted by KellyJean on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST

Battery + Steel Wool = FIRE!

How to do it. The tiny flaw with the logic in this video is that if you were suddenly stranded somewhere that you just happened to need a fire, how easy do ya think it would be to find a battery and s...
Posted by KellyJean on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:59:00 PST

Ok, THIS one is about you, I promise...

There you go, Shem! Is that better? lol
Posted by KellyJean on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:10:00 PST

I bet you’ll think this blog is about you...

But you can kiss my big white arse. Unless you're my Shannon, because holy crap, she found me! Shannon was the first best friend I can really remember having. Fourth grade, wow! (I have a picture of u...
Posted by KellyJean on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:26:00 PST


didn't go as planned, but we still had a great time. Nicki said the spot wouldn't be crowded, so I said we'd pick her up at eleven on Saturday. I was just too tired to pack up the car Friday night. A...
Posted by KellyJean on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:57:00 PST

There’s a boogerhole in the parking garage ...

... half passed out behind the wheel with the radio blaring. He’s seriously under the influence of SOMETHING. And interfering with my sleep. Grrrr. If this was NorCal, when yelling at ...
Posted by KellyJean on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:21:00 PST

Effie and Mele

 Those two crazy gals just called me. They were on break between classes. I miss them so much! We were pretty much attached at the hip. We helped each other through life’s usual BS, carried...
Posted by KellyJean on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 08:32:00 PST

Tenative Tattoo Plans, Nerdom, Address Painter...

A few I plan on getting are Danny’s name, Heather’s name, and Orion the Hunter. And probably the sketch I did of Danny sleeping when he was 5 months old. (*ahem* If SOMEONE will send my sc...
Posted by KellyJean on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:22:00 PST