The Usuall Girly Shit
Make up, fake tan, straighteners, alcohol etc;
LiFe iSn't aBoUt kEePiNg sCoRe. It's nOt aBoUt hOw mAnY PeOpLe cAlL YoU AnD It`s nOt aBoUt wHo yOu'vE DaTeD, aRe dAtInG, oR NeVeR DaTeD At aLl. It iSn't aBoUt wHo yOu'vE KiSsEd, WhAt sPoRt yOu pLaY, oR WhIcH GuY Or gIrL LiKeS YoU. iT'S NoT AbOuT YoUr sHoEs oR YoUr hAiR Or tHe cOlOuR oF YoUr sKiN Or wHeRe yOu lIvE Or gO To sChOoL. iN FaCt, ItS NoT AbOuT GrAdEs, MoNeY, cLoThEs, Or cOlLeGeS ThAt aCcEpT YoU Or nOt. LiFe iSn't aBoUt iF YoU HaVe lOtS Of fRiEnDs, Or iF YoU'Re aLoNe aNd iT'S NoT AbOuT HoW AcCePtEd oR UnAcCePtEd yOu aRe. LiFe jUsT IsN'T AbOuT ThAt. BuT LiFe iS AbOuT WhO YoU LoVe, AnD WhO U HuRt. It's aBoUt hOw yOu fEeL AbOuT YoUrSeLf. It's aBoUt tRuSt, HaPpInEsS, aNd cOmPaSsIoN. iT'S AbOuT StIcKiNg uP FoR YoUr fRiEnDs aNd rEpLaCiNg iNnEr hAtE WiTh lOvE. lIfE Is aBoUt aVoIdInG JeAlOuSy, OvErCoMiNg iGnOrAnCe, AnD BuIlDiNg cOnFiDeNcE. iT'S AbOuT WhAt yOu sAy aNd wHaT YoU MeAn. It's aBoUt sEeInG PeOpLe fOr wHo tHeY TrUlY ArE.
*Katie Price Aka Jordann
*Christina Aguilera!!
*Nikki Grahame (Big brother) Abs ledgend
' Who is she? where did you find her? '
what ever it gets called nowadays
*Rnb/Hip hopp/Rap
*Bitta tha indie stuf aswell i spose
*Save the last dance
*Dangerous minds
*Moulin rouge
*Baby boy
*School of rock
*Get rich or die tryin
*Paid in full
*New jack city
Mtv Made
The O.c
Jeremy Kyle show
Cant say i read much.
I havent reali got a hero soo.. anyone who has made a positive difference in the world
nerd or what haha