Tara profile picture


I'm gonna pistol-whip the next guy who says shenanigans.

About Me

Not a whole lot to say here. I'm an open book. What you see is what you get with me, I guess. I love Ireland and being Irish. It's a huge pride thing, I suppose. There's also quite a bit of German in there, so I guess I'm technically German-Irish (Germish as I like to call it). I hope to tour Europe one day; I've vowed to not have children until I've seen Europe.
I grew up in a small town and got the heck outta there as soon as I graduated from high school, but sometimes I really miss it. I'd go back if there were more opportunities there, but nepotism/favoritism is the only way to get into a job worthwhile, especially in my field.
I'm aspiring to get my CPA license. I just need to take a few more accounting classes, an ethics class, and some other random classes to meet the 150 hour requirement and then I'm set! Of course, I have to do the Becker review; I won't step foot into an exam room without doing the Becker.
Like I said, not a lot of mystery with me.
Here are some random quiz results that I took!
You are Betty Grable
The ulitmate girl next door
You're the perfect girl for most guys
Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real. What Famous Pinup Are You?
You scored as Angel. Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Fall. You are FALL. You appreciate all that you have, and are willing to share with others. You are a friend in the truest sense of the word, and can easily focus your attention on those who need you, placing yourself on the back burner. You make sure your responsibilites are met before you allow yourself ..............'free time..............'.








What Season Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
You Are Pocahantas!

Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

You Are Olive Green
You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know. What Color Green Are You?

My Interests

Reading, movies, going to ren faires, spending time with my family and friends, and being with my husband.

I'd like to meet:

No one in particular. I wouldn't mind networking with some other CPA candidates.


A little bit of everything: Texas Country, Allison Moorer, Montgomery Gentry, Faith Hill, Anna Nalick, Tori Amos, Heart, Pat Benatar, Duran Duran, blah blah blah. The list goes on...


Napoleon Dynamite, Phantom of the Opera, Dear Frankie, Pride and Prejudice, Frequency, Shawshank Redemption, Hearts in Atlantis, Hellboy, and I'm sure there're more that I'm not recalling at the moment.


I love HGTV. I could watch that channel for hours and never get bored. I really like The Black Donnelly's even though I usually try to resist getting wrapped up in series shows, but I'm hooked. Thank goodness for the DVR...


The Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, Pistachio Prescription, Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, 1984, and many more...


JB and Sandy: Because they crack me up!

My Blog

Think before you speak

I am a member of the "I don't think before I speak" society.  Well, I don't know if one actually exists, but if it did, I'd be an executive member. I'm not sure why I'm this way.  I think it...
Posted by Tara on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 11:44:00 PST

How Texan are you?

1. First of all, where in Texas have you & do you live?Brownwood, San Angelo, and Round Rock 2. Where's your favorite place to chill in Texas?In good 'ol Brown-town with my friends. 3. Have you ev...
Posted by Tara on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:08:00 PST

Cavities (eeek!)

So I went to the dentist last week and got the news: I have two cavities.  I'm so bummed; I was doing so well.  I hadn't had a cavity since high school. So I get my fillings in two weeks and...
Posted by Tara on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 11:36:00 PST

Dead Alive

So, I was over at a friends house and we watched a couple of movies. First we watched "Slither" which was kinda....yeah, low budget...but there were some funny moments. Then we watched another EXTREME...
Posted by Tara on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:16:00 PST

How much have you changed in 5 years?

how much have YOU changed in 5 yrs ***September 2001***How old were you?17Where did you go to school?Angelo State UniversityWhere did you live?San AngeloWhere did you hang out?UCPC office/eventsHow wa...
Posted by Tara on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 06:13:00 PST