hey guys,
england and catalunya was great! ah, wales too! lovely country, like switzerland, just with more sheeps and less people
old stuff, my journey in new zealand here's my blog from the journey: http://7-weeks-in-nz.blogspot.com
i'm a 23 year old guy, i live nearly the lake constance in Switzerland. Switzerland is a small country in the heart of europe, Wikipedia tell you more about us Swiss-People ;-)
so long i've dreamed from my travel to NZ! There to visit my aunt to enjoy the wonderful far forests and mountains. Without a house every second kilometer, like here in Switzerland...
yes, and here now my video from the Freakstock Festival. 8 minute for GOD :-)
. !
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two days on myspace
two days after login, more than 80 people seen the video from wuilli. nice :-)you don't see the video, SHOW HIM! Posted by on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:24:00 GMT