Rachel profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Work too much, but my job is awesome.I love to sleep because I love to dream, mostly about being in France.I have a kitten that I adore, even though he is insane. His name is Dr. George O'Malley, but I call him Jojo.And I like going on adventures, be it skydiving with my dad, roadtripping, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge during a snow storm [pictured] with Jason and Drew, hiking Macchu Pichu, and learning new things.I also love to play tennis, paint, read and write. Not a huge fan of 'rithmatic.

My Interests

writing.tennis.music.biking.climbing.laughing.napping.explor ing.dogs.provence.peru.languages.greysanatomy.film.


The Source. Slouching Towards Bethlehem. The Motorcycle Diaries.My Sisters Keeper. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting. How to Breathe Underwater