1.Holding hands w/ a loved one, especially my husbands.
2.Kissing my child and hearing, "I love you mommy!".
3.Hearing laughter that roars from with in.
4.Helping someone who is in more need than I.
5.Feeling the sand between my toes.
6.Watching the sun as it goes.
7.Tasting the fresh fish off the fire after having the sun beat on your flesh all day while sipping a beer!!!!
8.Hearing the crickets, wolves, loons, frogs echoing in the background as you lay under the sky full of stars!
9.Knowing that I will have another day to look forward to the hope of all my dreams coming true!
My ancestors.....
I don't know that much about the history behind my being. I have always had an indulgence in the Indian culture, only to find out I come from the royal blood of Cherokee. No one can trace my Great, Great Grandmother because her name was changed and the man who knew died before telling anyone! Yet, nature still calls my name constantly.
That would intrigue me tremendously! To go back in time and see the wonders of our world come to life!
Old movies, musicals, humerous, love, action, horror!, just about everything.
The torture of nothing else to do, because I'm broke, I then watch a bit of television. 1.Charmed is still my #1! 2.All crime investigation shows, there are so many out there now. 3.My name is Earl 4.Lifetime movies, becuase I'm a girl who likes chic flix. 5.News and sports (mostly football, because my husband is a sport freak) can't beat them, join them! 6.Ghost and haunting stories intrigue me also, but not the most obvious scammers.
Reading is something I wish I had more time for.
Heroes to me are people that are willing to die for a cause, or willing to put others before themselves. The hardest thing for human nature is to think of someone else first, and many people have never done this action. Most are always looking for a way to come out on top, or will do something only when receiving something in return. To do something just because, is heroic to me!