The question we hear most often is: "Does this involve any sexual activity?" The answer is Hell NO! Our business has absolutely no connection to prostitution. In fact, the subject of sex rarely comes up. We do not know of any ProDomme who is a prostitute, and our definition of sex includes oral sex and hand jobs. Our Dommes would never participate in questionable activities. They will not give a guy a massage or a lap dance. There are plenty of prostitutes and men do not visit our websites seeking sex. Prostitutes make a lot more money than ProDommes, and they do not need any training. Their clients do not complete applications or engage in long IM chats. They are paid for one hour sessions which are often over in 15 minutes, but who wants HIV/AIDS, a venereal disease and the loss of self esteem? Furthermore, prostitution is illegal while the Fetish, Femme Domme and BDSM business is legal in all 50 states. We are experts on the BDSM business. About 5% of the work involves the actual sessions, while 95% of the effort is devoted to marketing. It takes a lot of time consuming work to recruit clients, so we are well aware of what men are thinking. There are obviously many perverts on the Internet and they will say crude things to any woman. We just ignore them. The guys who are serious about fetish and BDSM are primarily upscale and well educated. Once again, it is very rare we are even asked about sex. Men know what the scene is all about. Another reason sex does not come up is because the guys are carefully screened. This is emphasized on the web site and in the application. This determines their interests and priorities. Our Dommes will also not engage in some popular BDSM activities because they do not appeal to us. We would encourage you to check out the women in the Glamour Domme Alliance, Not one of them would ever engage in sex for money. We don't want and don't need that business. There are plenty of other guys who are interested in fetish and BDSM activities.