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About Me

So, I'm from east London, UK. I have graduated from The Guitar Institute in west London and am trying to make a living from music. Music is the elixir of life and is especially effective when mixed with drink and good company.

And speaking of life, life is too short to spend all of it wondering what you're gonna do with it. My love is music, and that is why I choose to pursue it and I have much respect for anyone who has a dream and makes an effort to bring it into their reality.


Music taste (and a wide variety of flavours)

And speaking of music, I started off being into the whole rock thing in my early teens. My favourite bands were Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Nirvana, The Scorpions and Toto among others. As I grew older I started getting into other styles of music such as funk, jazz, latin, RnB, metal, soul and various "world" music and realised I really liked the progressive element in music (although I didn't know the word "progressive" in a musical context at the time). I'm glad I've developed a wide ranging taste in music as it allows you fit into som many different situations (and also helps quite a bit on the session scene). But despite my eclectic taste, rock still is, and probably always will be, the music of my people. RAWK ON!!!!

/ m / ; / m /

Spiral Compass

My main project at the moment is my originals band, Spiral Compass. It's basically a rock band with emphasis on groove, a varied range of styles and progressiveness. Check out the Spiral Compass Myspace page:Spiral CompassI've currently got my producer hat on recording and mixing the tracks.


Tom Likes Dogs


I also have a covers band which I put together called Tom Likes Dogs. We play pretty much anything from Jamiroquai to Bad Company to Metallica to Donna Summer and everything in between and around.

I put this band together for fun after I finished the intensive 1 Year Diploma at the Guitar Institute. Although we play covers, we tend to put our own little twist on many of the songs. We are kind of like the Dr Frankenstein of the cover band scene where we may add some ridiculous jingle to join two songs, simply just segue some interesting song choices together. So if you're reading this, you SHOULD come to see us play live!! Why? Because you'll have a good time :-)


Other work

I've done a few sessions for various artists including Amy Studt (her "False Smiles" album), which I believe got to around number 14 in the UK charts and Chinch Woo (formerly Urban Dove) a London based group who write good songs but wrapped in exciting and often aggressive rock/electric arrangements.

Recently, I've been on and off tour with UK Gospel heavy weights Four Kornerz. They were up for a M.O.B.O award (among other prestigious silverware honours) and have a large following in the UK and overseas. Those guys have a similar music philosophy to me in terms of diversity of styles. I can relate to the "no boundaries" point of view.

In the jazz world, I've been playing with singer/pianist Faye Patton. She has some cool songs which I really like because it gives me a chance to play some "adult chords" which I have to work out by ear. I've also played for Marcina Arnold who writes the most amazing and stylistically diverse songs. She fuses jazz with soul, latin, and Indian classical. Again, obscure and unorthodox chords.

I have also played for Malarchi, an up and coming star on the rap scene and have done a few radio appearances for the BBC. Apart from playing, I also teach guitar.

I'm also into martial arts. I've done a few over the years but I'm particularly fond of Jiu Jitsu, particularly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to train like I used to but I am proud to have been awarded my blue belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu by the legend himself, Royce Gracie. He's a super nice guy but kicked my ass when I asked to spar with him. It was an honour.

Recently, I've been getting into magic. My favs so far are card tricks and mind reading. One the tricks I learned (which I've wanted to know how to do for years) is the one where you stuff a hankerchief in your hand and make it disappear. Unfortunately, the last time I did that trick the hankerchief completely disappeared even from me. I still haven't been able to make it re-appear. I'm hoping to get a few more tricks together and create a little reportoire.

"Oh baybee ah wanna get witcha, an' take yo' pitcha. My homeboys tried ta warn me but that butt you got makes memeMe so hawnie. LA waist with an Oakland booty!"

- Text from Martin to me

Myspace Editor
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Mike Portnoy, Steve Lukather, Sting, Dominic Miller, Simon Phillips, Dave Gorman, Derren Brown (all that spring to mind at this moment. I'm sure there have to be some females in there somewhere too).


John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess, Nitin Sawhney, Daniel Bedingfield, Natasha Bedingfield, Bela Fleck, Victor Wooten, Royce Gracie, Albert Lee, Jimmy Tarbuck, Jeff Coffin, Futureman, Paul Gilbert (of Mr Big fame), Courtney Pine.

My Blog

Spiral Compass YouTube Channel [3rd May 2009]

Hello,As some of you may or may not know, my lovely little originals band Spiral Compass, also has a presence on the ever popular video website YouTube. It's been up for a while and it only just occ...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 19:28:00 GMT

Upcoming Spiral Compass gigs [3rd May 2009]

Hello all,Just wanted to inform you all that my band Spiral Compass has a couple of gigs coming up. The first is at The Worlds End in Finsbury Park on Friday 22nd May. We will be débuting some new mat...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 19:25:00 GMT

Christmas gigs - VENUE CHANGE + details

Hello everyone,Spiral Compass have a couple of Christmas shows coming up feature some special guests. For anyone who was coming to The King's Arms in Acton on 18th December, the show has been re-locat...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 20:38:00 GMT

The best feeling in the world [22nd Feb 08]

My short story: Something I Just Wanted to Share - 22nd February 2008Once upon a time this morning, I was woken up by my stereo which is set to go off at 6.10am. At the moment the CD that I wake up to...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:35:00 GMT

Tom Likes Dogs myspace page updated - check it out [22nd Feb 08]

Hey all,I've updated the Tom Likes Dogs myspace page. In case you don't know, Tom Likes Dogs is my covers band. If you haven't already, please check it out and add us ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:29:00 GMT

Songs now added to Tom Likes Dogs website [11th Jan 07]

Hello y'all, I've added songs to my band's website. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. Please also let me know if you have any problems. I know at the moment "Bat Out Of Hell" ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 23:02:00 GMT

Have you noticed.... (Goonies) .... ? [10th Jan 07]

Have you seen that classic 80s flick The Goonies? If not, go and watch it - it's awesome. Now, to everyone else who has seen it, have you noticed this:Firstly, I haven't seen The Goonies in a while bu...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:36:00 GMT

My date with Raul [10th Jan 07]

It's only been a couple of hours since my last post. I would rather have left it at that as leaving on a Goonies note is pretty cool. Unfortunately, since then I've been spending an evening with Raul....
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 00:21:00 GMT

Have you noticed..... ? [8th Jan 07]

I was doing some reading today and got up to take a break when I realised something. It's nothing life-changing or particularly important but it is quite interesting.Have you seen the film Robin Hood:...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 16:00:00 GMT

2007 and the future

It's the first day of the brand new year of 2007. Everyone is treating this time with a certain grandeur. Although the mechanics of the universe and the celestial bodies within it have little or no ef...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:17:00 GMT