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Myspace Layouts.. (Click Here) Free Music Videos Provided by! Okay, I'm rewriting my "about me" section since I've gotten messages from people saying I was too vague. I am now officially 30 (holy crap, now I'm 31...I really need to rewrite this thing) (oh no, now I'm 32, where has the time gone??!!), and as much as I dreaded it, now I sorta like it! Yes, I'm still single (not anymore, I'm engaged to be married!), no I've never been married, no I don't have any kids, and no I don't worry much about ending up an "old maid". So, about goes. I am a traveling nurse, currently in San Diego and working in a trauma ICU. (Okay, I just left SD and am in Houston now...neurotrauma ICU here....yay!) (Okay, new I'm in Arizona...I just need to rewrite this thing!) (Now I'm in Boston...woo hoo!) I love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. I really like to do things that scare the hell out of keeps me on my toes. Nursing school scared the hell out of me, so I figured I should try it. Intensive care really scared me, so I figured I'd better do that, too. The idea of travel nursing mortified me, so here I am, all the way to California from South Carolina. I am a very outgoing person, and have a broad variety of friends. I don't care if you live in a mansion or a cardboard box, are 20 years old or 80 years old, as long as you're a cool and interesting person, I'll be friends with you. I love the ocean and can't stand to be landlocked. Sometimes I smoke too many cigarettes (UPDATE: I quit smoking...YAY!!!) and drink too many rum and cokes. I am a caffeine junkie. I believe that a man and a woman can be friends, just as long as one of them is homosexual...okay, not ALWAYS, but most of the time that's true. Daisies are my favorite flower. I think Dr. Phil is a doofus. Sometimes I overanalyze things. I love spontaneity. I am a sap in disguise. I suck at remembering people's names and birthdays. I don't know jack about politics or religion. I love to start really hard IVs that no one else can get. My family is the most important thing in the world to me. I hated high school and I never went to the prom or walked the stage at graduation. I think that most people are way more insecure than you think. I don't think that the elderly are necessarily wiser. I hate to cook, and I wish I loved to cook. I can't stand sushi, and I never want to eat it again. I think that most neurosurgeons become hateful and inhuman as soon as they're done with residency. you know a little more about me! If you'd like to know more, just ask! :)Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0
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Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Sung to Rockstar by Nickelback