I'm Natashia. (Pronounced like regular old Natasha, not Nata-shee-ah.)
I'm a Miller Lite Girl. I'm also a freelance model and make-up artist.
I'm a student at the Academy of Art San Francisco (the online program.) I'm majoring in fashion design, minor in photography.
I'm an art brain and a free spirit. I hate math with a passion but I love science, oddly enough.
I feel old and entirely too domesticated. However- if the only accomplishment I have in life is becoming a mother of six children, I will die a happy human.
The best part of life so far- realizing all the stupid shit I did in the past was completely worth it!
The worst- realizing time is essentially my biggest enemy.
Iceland- I WILL live there for at least one year of my life.
If I could go back in time to any decade of my choice, it would definitely be the 30's.
I'm really quiet... and shy.
The perfect day- thunderstorm, sweatpants, and one long-ass nap.
I'm a scatterbrain.
I worry too much.
Think too much.
And try to organize too many things on my plate that can't be organized.
Like putting two south poles together on magnets.
But I keep trying. :)
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