Dork Girl profile picture

Dork Girl

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Im a laid back eaaasy going kinda girl, I think there is nothing better than partying and sllleeeeeping in the summer sun.I like parties, feeling good, Summer, Daisies, cheese and pickle sandwiches, dancing, adventures, forests, naughty men, Banana milkshakes, smelling things in body shop,looking nice, dreadlocks, marmite, flowers, chocolates, little fluffy things, spongebob, going into resturants and ordering a dessert, ghost stories, even naughtier men, painting, UV pink, Laughing gas, Smoking, chilling, shopping, midnight walks, watching the stars, pizza hut, playing pool, exploring ulternative states of mind, meeting new friends, Sundays, cooking, the smell of fresh bakery food, a cold pint on a warm day, floppy hats, tattoos, roller coasters, butterflys, Naughty naughty men and banoffe pie.... preferably the last two mixed together :-)
You Are Not Scary
Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? How Scary Are You?I dislike.... rude people, corned beef, getting woken up, being skint, whisky, pervy men, ex boyfriends, miserable people, closed minds, winter, being lonely, marzipan, people eating with their mouths open, commercial clubs, washing up, old teabags and rain MyGen Profile GeneratorMy weaknesseses
- subway sandwiches
- alcohol
- lack of concentration
- men with dreadlocks (damn you all!!!)
- doing rugs when I have work the next day
- cryptonite
- staring at cleavages
- Used teabags
- assembling kinder egg toys
- high heels
- the floor.... (when it hits yer face anyway)
You Are a Very Bad Girl
You are 10% Good and 90% Bad
As they say, good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere!
You make most bad girls look like angels - and have a hell of a time along the way. Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
I liiiiike Rig porn!
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My Blog

Why are some men just so good looking?

Arh!!!! It drives me mad!!!! I hate it.... cant they just all gain loads of wieght and get a big beard so I cant fancy them anymore?   Im just gonna have to take a shovel to his puppy face..........
Posted by on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:53:00 GMT

Ode to the builders....

They are so fantastic! In all the things that have made my uni experience what it was the builders across the road would be number one.... oh how I love watching them drink tea and sleep in the cabin ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 May 2006 16:45:00 GMT

Thinking about sex...

... Whilst at work is really annoying, spesh when your trying to do something. its like your eyes glaze over and you starts nibbling delicatly on the end of your pen... then someone answers the phone ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 12:17:00 GMT

Experimenting with chemicals reaserch, Experiment one

... Fun things to do with Nitrous Oxide Hypothisis My assistant in substances and myself (Proffesor Cusack PhD in chemical and substance abuse) have recently been experimenting with N02 or Nitrous oxi...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 13:52:00 GMT

This is why I dont have a boyfriend...

....This happened a while ago but I thought id retell the story. I went on a date not so long ago, after meeting him in the pub at 3pm with general chatting with a pint (or two or three) I ended up d...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:21:00 GMT

Quiting Uni

Im quiting uni everyone. After doing my course for half a year I have decided its making me miserable and its not for me. Ah well... time to find full-time work :-(
Posted by on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 06:52:00 GMT

For fucks sake, ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!

Why whenever the rare thing good comes on in Leicester, I am always working!? its all bollocks! Everyone else gets to go...... booo!
Posted by on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 13:10:00 GMT

Blog quiz!

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Natalie Clare CusackBirthday:31/5/78Birthplace:High WycombeCurrent Location:LeicesterEye Color:GreenHair Color:BrunetteHeight:5.5Right Handed or Left Handed:Rig...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 18:44:00 GMT

New Flatmate

I woke up this morning with a stranger in my flat. She is moving into the room next door. i said hallo offerd her a handshake, she ignored it. So ive been down the pub for 3 hours. Im a bit pissed. he...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:03:00 GMT

What the hell did I do!?!??!

last night, drunk a bottle of wine to myself, last thing I remember is going to the bar and getting a sambuka and a pint. Woke up this morning leaning against a wall on the floor, with a fat lip and b...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:14:00 GMT