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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

MY journey has been well worth it so my son could have more..... Starting with more of ME, my time, love, & attention~

My favorite cliché? "It's far more important to make a LIFE than to make a living" I find that most people choose to let wealth narrow their perspectives, rather than being themselves and enjoying the freedoms that money provides...
I'ts Isabel Marie 13 & welcome to MYspace~
I'm a mom-trepreneur who's serious about my dreams & aspirations~ I strive to be a better version of myself & to have enough knowledge to do more things than I could 5 yrs. ago~ I'm here to show people that you can be successful & happy regardless of past or present circumstances~ I am proof of this~ My journey has given me an amazing son, a burning desire for life, & success to go with~
****4 yrs. Ago, I started my business without experience, a pc, cell phone, & very little money~ I was unemployed, depressed, & had $310.00 per month of welfare~ I worked off faith & desire to succeed~**** I had my 1st check in days & by the 3rd month I booked a guest speaker~ I worked my a$$ off, 7 days/week, 12 hrs. /day with flyer's, recruiting, etc.~ It was hard, but that night 182 people came~
This set the stage for my success~ My clients include attorneys, engineers, celebs, rest. owners, Dr.'s, per. trainers, moms, dads, students, etc.~ ****Doing business that way is not as effective in a new school world~ After 2 yrs. of being burned out by using old methods, I knew there had to be a better way & there is!!~****
I will share my secret, but first get to know more about me...
I’m here to connect with & unite creative like minded people who are ambitious, free-spirited, & entrepreneurial, like me~ I know there are many frustrated people in life that know they deserve more but have no idea where to start~ So, I decided to expose my life, knowledge, & wisdom to living a life of happiness & abundance to help~
****Here's My FAVORITE Video Ever~****
My mess that became my message….
I'm 29, a single mom of 1, & I'm the happiest I've ever been~ I was an Army brat born in Germany~ It was hard but I feel blessed because it taught me independence~ My mom stayed home & my dad worked~ We struggled like most, did the welfare thing, & know the help churches provide~
My parents believe you have to work hard & I do work, but for myself & I'm successful~ Now, your neighbors aren’t your closet friends, the big planet is a mouse click away & home" based business' are now mobile~ So you CAN make money AND raise a family~
I'm the most influential person in my son's life~ I play with him, teach him, & guide his hopes n dreams; I RAISE HIM~ I'm lucky, & we're blessed; but it wasn't always this way~ 4 yrs. ago life was hard~ I've been unemployed & I know the pain n humiliation welfare brings; a time I'll never forget~
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My pregnancy was hard because of physical abuse~ I was alone in L.A., so I promised God if He helped me through this tough time & gave me a healthy baby, I would leave without any belongings, or REGRETS~ He kept his promise & so did I~ I left CA with my 2 wk old baby, a bus ticket, $5.00 to my name, a backpack of baby items~ It was one of the HAPPIEST days of my life~
I was told by "family" that I'd never make much of myself~ To be a “good” mom, I was condemned to misery, & told NOT to pursue MY dreams; If I did I was being "selfish"~ At my last J.O.B (Just Over Broke) I made "friends" & day after day I "smiled" n dialed (cuz it makes the customer's happier as they shout "Get a real Job"~) Lol
I swallowed my pride & at times my foot, while daycare raised MY son, for 2 yrs.~ No amount of money will give that time back~ The first day I dropped him off killed me & was the longest day of my life~ I cried a bunch because it didn’t feel good~
****The sad part is, as time went on, it was easier to leave him behind~ It became 2nd nature, like brushing your teeth, or doing dishes~ *****
MY GOD! Is this really Ok? Is this what FAMILY is?~ Do you not hear the news about kids being beaten & shaken to death by strangers?~ Can "they" promise if my child was harmed, that I can buy the happiness that was robbed from his body or soul?~ HELL NO!!~
I sat in a stupid cubicle staring at pictures of MY son while a STRANGER held my baby~ **** I was spending the most amount of time with people I loved the least, & the least amount of time with the person I loved the most****~ Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?~
The catch is, as a parent you NEVER quit a job in the “pursuit of happyness” & if you do, people closest to you crucify you~ SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE, 'CAUSE STAYING AT THAT J.O.B FELT LIKE I WAS DRINKING A POISON EVERYDAY THAT I KNEW WOULD KILL MY BODY LIKE IT DID MY SOUL~ To me, that's the same as being dead already~
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In April 04', I took down my pics, drawings, etc., & a weight inside lifted~ I realized staying or leaving my J.O.B NEVER mattered to anyone, not even me, because I was meaningless & duplicatable as the cubicle I sat in~ Monday came, I held my son & I never went back~ It was the EASIEST decision I've ever made~ I couldn't choose between son & money; it's like choosing between an arm & a leg & I can't be something I'm not~ I AM NOT a 9 to 5'er & can never be~
I was unemployed & on $310.00 per month in welfare~ I chose to struggle, rather than prostitute my time & my sons safety for money~ We hit hard times, but we had food, clothes, a roof over our head; We had God, faith, & love, & WE HAD EACH OTHER!!!~
(Here's sneak peak of how much our lives were about to change.....)

I NEVER imagined all this would happen from just wanting to feed & clothe my child....
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4 yrs. ago I received a call about a, "great opportunity~" I listened & thought, “This has to be a scam!~” Sound familiar?~ (It's a shame how we're TAUGHT TO FAIL??) I did research & knew this was what I had prayed for~ I jumped in my 1st business~ It took work & time but it did PAY off~
2 yrs. ago I hit a cross road because owning a business can become as tiresome as a J.OB.~ I was doing all the work & trying to duplicate others to do the same~ “The ONLY thing duplicatable in life is FAILURE!!~”
My success was hard to maintain because of the WRONG people in the RIGHT opportunity~ I knew there was a better way that's time/cost effective & RESULT driven~ So, then I began to attract what I needed~
Getting a Webucation changed everything~ Learning the ins & out of both old school personal touch & new school tools both in the on & offline world changed everything for me~ So now I help others change the driver (you) not just the vehicle (your biz) to really change the course in life~ ***My life has grown spiritually, financially, & I now pursue my TRUE passions in life~ Let's face it, NO ONE grew up saying, “WHEN I GROW UP, I WANT TO BE A NETWORK MARKETER!!!~” LoL
Here's SOME of the perks I've created since~
1) I am now a paid youtube partner that has over 2,000+ subscribers & 5 different channels~ I have 400,000+ video views on youtube in the last year~
2) I have my own LIVE show 3 times a week & even do LIVE MAKE UP TUTORIALS so SUBSCRIBE~ Stickam/IsabelMarie13
3) I've connected with people like James Arthur Ray, Jack Canfield, Bob Doyle, Jennifer Hudson (Dream Girls), Somaya Reece (Singer/Model), Momo (Producer/Director/Musician,) Crila (Singer/ Photographer,) Etc..~
4) I got youtube honors of the #55 down to the #25 most viewed on youtube, out of millions by being MYSELF~
5) I've booked several modeling jobs & have had offers to do public speaking engaements~
6) I was personally invited to be in Somaya Reece's 1st music video~ She's beautiful people both inside & out~
7) I'm doing several projects with Momo, Crila, & crew~
8) I've booked online radio interviews & motivational speaking engagements in many industries, to share my story with hundreds~
9) I have MY own brand now & will be launching my own merchandise soon~
10) I get 3-17 phone calls a day from the right people that WANT to do business with ME~
11) No more hotel meetings, 3 way calls, lists of friends & family, paid advertisement expenses or tools!!~
12) I'm more physically fit & harmonically wealthy~
13) I date great quality men & building POSITIVE friendships with amazing people~
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I'm surrounded with people that BELIEVE in me & I help others build their TRUE passions in life~ I attract ambitious, creative, & passionate people to me, so it's my turn to change YOUR LIFE~ You never get through life alone~
Your success depends on YOU investing into it~ No one can do it for you or keep you from it~ With the right mindset & people, you WILL be successful~ I freed myself of the limiting beliefs we all carry~ No matter how tough it gets, it will ALWAYS be ok~
My car breaks down; I fix it~ My heart is broken; It mends~ I get evicted & move into a beautiful townhouse~ I get physically abused, I heal, & have a gorgeous son to show for it~ ;) When I discovered this, I now ask, "What would you attempt in life if you knew you could NEVER fail?”~ ****If being kicked out at 16, going through a miscarriage, physical abuse, welfare, unemployment, & evictions, meant I would pursue MY life long dreams, then I am blessed~
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I know what it takes to be successful & how to lead you regardless of circumstance; Or if you're already an entrepreneur & tired of feeling like there’s something you’re missing then contact me~ INTEGRITY & HONESTY are important & I'll ALWAYS put that in front of financial gain~
I can't promise this is for everyone, or that it's quick fix miracle, & I'm not going to say it's always easy~ I will say this though, It IS possible to make REAL money in a LEGIT home based business~ It does take time, work, & money, but IT DOES PAY OFF!!~
****Valuable lessons I've learned:
1) The ONLY secret to success, is THE COMMITMENT TO COMPLETION!!~
2) Marketing is: "The Art & Science of Empowering, Communicating, & DEVELOPMENT a relationship with another human being based on THEIR needs, NOT your own!! ~"****
***I Believe YOU'RE meant to read this & YOU ARE WORTHY of success~ Someone else out there believes in YOU too or you wouldn't be here~ Rather than complain about life, I CHOOSE to become successful~ What do YOU choose?? A life of struggling & suffering, OR A CHANCE at the life you deserve??~ You do DESERVE to be happy, healthy, & successful like you dreamed of when you were young !!~****
THE CHOICE IS YOURS~ NO ONE CAN MAKE IT FOR YOU & NO ONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY~ If you feel this is the missing link you've been praying for, then contact me so I can help~ WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ALREADY??~
Warmest Regards~ Isabel Marie 13 ~XoXoX~
Skype ID: Isabel Marie 13
.. [email protected] (Yes I’m Sure!!~)
[email protected]
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Here's a QUIK update~
We moved far away from the pains & “family” of our former lives~ We're no longer on welfare & we live in a beautiful townhouse by the country club~ My son's in the BEST school ever~ Business is great & we're fulfilling life long dreams of travel, shows, capoeira, etc.~
We visited our family in WI for the first time of my son's life~ It was AMAZING!!~ We went to Vegas,& the view from the top of The Venetian is amazing; (my son gets to celebrate his Bday in in different cities like Vegas, Orlando, etc. every year~) YEAY!! We go to Self Improvement Seminars together & we're going to Thailand too!!~
***~~HAKUNA MATATA!!!~~***

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

****I want to meet ambitious, positive, creative, & entrepreneurial people who can learn, grow & inspire me~ People passionate, confident, & intelligent!~ The ones that are focused & determined to be successful!! For the mom's & dads, the young & the old, both business owners & new entrepreneurs alike~

I am NOT looking for skeptics, whiners, complainers, the broke minded, the quitters, & those who have already COMMITTED A SOUL SUICIDE!!!~ These people need NOT apply, nor do you have to leave a message or bad Karma~ These people will be loved first, prayed for, & then deleted!!~ ;) LOL

P.S. - FYI for the Men- I want to meet an ambitious, confident, honest, nice man to get to know, become friends with & live life to the fullest regardless of the outcome~. I'm passionate & know where I'm going~ I prefer straight up honesty & I give it too~ I Love MEN who aren't afraid to go for what they want in life~ I am not looking to be taken care of, I can more then manage on my own~ I want a MAN that can handle an intelligent, strong, sexy, & classy woman who's independent!!~

My Blog

***~~ If A Man Wants You~~***

IF A MAN WANTS YOU...... If A Man Wants You, Nothing Can Keep Him Away~ If He Doesn't Want You, Nothing Can Make Him Stay~ Stop Making Excuses For A Man & His Behavior~ Allow Your Intuition (or spirit...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:57:00 GMT

The High Cost Of Being Poor~ /17/AR2009051702053.html?referrer=myspace I wish more people allowed me to help educate them because this article is sad cuz its true~ Op...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 00:06:00 GMT

Cleansing your Power, by VENTING 1st~ LOL

Hey Friends~ It seems the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear~" is more on point then we think~ My mojo was great today & I really felt it~ Then like anything good that hap...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:17:00 GMT

Great Advice from the Great Lisa Nichols~

Hey Friends~ I just got done reading this & I believe in this exercise 150%, so I thought that I would pass along the wealth of knowledge so that all who is reading this may change their life for ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:56:00 GMT


Here's a poem that I loved & wanted to share, enjoy.....      The beauty of a woman is she, who have the ability to look in a mirror and see how wonderful she be, evenwhen she don't...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 19:00:00 GMT

Pathway to Peace~

Hello Friends~ I came across this and thought that it might be helpful to those who need some uplifting the most~ May God Lead You To Your Destiny~ God Bless~Q     ..>  "Blessed are...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 23:38:00 GMT

Help Me Change The World~ Love, Q~

Hi To All My Dearest Friends~ Have you ever had one of those life changing experiences??~ I had another of many this past week when I had went to Las Vegas for a cause greater then my own~ I know ther...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 18:40:00 GMT

MEN Vs. Boys~

Boys don't so these things but Men do without asking~ I am not interested in boys~ I don't settle for less~ Enjoy~ A Man will~ GIVE HER ONE OF HIS T-SHIRTS TO SLEEP IN~LEAVE HER CUTE TEXT MESSAGE...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:28:00 GMT

Check out this video: The Secret

IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE THEN WATCH THIS VIDEO ~WATCH IT OVER N OVER IF YOU'D LIKE~The Secret~GOD BLESS AND GO XANGO!!Ciao~Qwww.goxanthones.comwww.healywebinars.comContact me when interested~
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 22:14:00 GMT