i Am hU i Am..iF u cAnT hAndLe iT...i gOt nOtHiN 2 dO bWt iT...diZ iS mE...wAt u sEe...iS wAt i gEt :p Get this myspace layouts
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
- Some of my old friends back in PI...
- New friendsAnd everybody who loves me the way I am.
My Blog
A - Age: 28& JeeeeZ! Im not getting any younger!
B - Band: Hmmm can't think of any& I'll let you know if I thought of anybody *wink*
C - Career: I'd really want to put up my own business& Sorry guys ... Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 22:44:00 GMT
The first
Wow... I had myspace for quite some time but this is the first blog I've ever posted here... I'll try to make this a habit... since I can't o it no longer with MULTIPLY... so might as well do it here.... Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 02:46:00 GMT
love... pain... and emptiness
This was once when I was full of pain but then still loved this person... stupid yet I'm just human...can't force myself Just wanted to share it with you guys...
Its been a rough week/s for me... Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:33:00 GMT