My Name Jesse...I spell it with a J if you have not noticed.I like it cause its simple.People who have gained my respect i am very loyal to.I love my family, even though times are tuff right now on both sides.I am the kind of person who is actually really easy to get along with once you know me.I try my best not to take what i have for granted.If you fuck me over you will just be fucking yourself over in the long actions are deeper then my words so dont try and act tuff.I dont complain about shit unless its really necessary I love my Music!I love all my sister's and my lil Brother!I like to eat!I like to drink!And i like to have fun!I am always there for my Family and Friends.Pepsi suxs!Coca cola would beat pepsi's ass if they fought!If i didnt live in a house i would live in a box.My favorite letter is V.My initals are J.M.N.G.V ( no joke!)I like scented tampons that they sell individually wrapped.I like Barbies.and umm yeah...I love pandas, however i kinda feel bad for them cause they dont have any privacy.
I would like to meet people just like me and when i say just like me i mean it DAMITIf you want to be my friend that’s fine with me but understand this, if you fuck me over your just fucking yourself over, if you lie to me then you’re not worth my time. If you drop off the face of the earth that’s fine at least call me sometime and let me know your okay. I do my best to surround myself with honest people so if you can’t be honest with yourself then you can’t be honest with me. If you’re just in my life to cause drama then just get the fuck out! I don’t talk shit unless you spit the first words, so don’t talk shit about other people to me. I am not full of myself so don’t get the wrong idea I am just putting what I think out there.
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Nightmare Before Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas(cartoon version), Hostel, Alice in Wonderland, 101 Dalmations,Corpse Bride(you have to pay attention to get the movie, and many
Fuse, (get down on one knee) Will you marry me?I wrote this before fuse suxed...
Skrew books Im all for Comics!!!but if you have to know about book i like the ones with pictures and skrewed up endings! oh and as for comics...Lenoreand Johnny the homicidal Maniac Kick the balls off the President!!