About Me
I am..I am a daughter, a sister, a grand daughter, a niece, a cousin and a friend. I am a parther, a student, a young girl and a grown woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving and caring and thoughtful and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly, and careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, misguided and mislead. I am hard working and determinded, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to god and cry my tears. I smile on the outside, while dying on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I walk on eggshells and I walk on fire. I believe in passion but not true love. I love you , I push you away. I want you but not so close. i am everything and nothing all at once and all I want is for you to love me.I love my family && friend some special ppl in my life are my Best friend && that would be my Gary which as most know is my hubby, you have put me threw a rollercoaster ride from heavan to hell && back to heavan but I've always loved you && that will never stop you the only person i can't say what i want && how i feel && you can do the same && we both will never tell a soul && im so thankfull that person was you in my life && i hope in 2008 things can take a ride for the best between us =) && of course my bestie for life which is my girlfriend Star Thank you so much for being there for me all the time && i mean all the time it's been crazy && your the ONLY person who know's it all i love you && don't no what i do with out you ! My friend Amber I love you girly at hopefully soon we will be working back up @ hooters! My little brother Jonathan i love you little man && you better treat them girl's nicely i kno you will tho && Bethany my sister i love you "pickle" you are such a greatfriend and sister love you beth && my youngest sister Madison i love you so much even though i haven't shown it in the past me && everyone in V.a love you babyygirl && Daddy I love you even though you are on the opposite side of the USA & i love my mom && step-dad && Star's Family (Love Farris Drawing) you guy's are like a second family && Pops && Aurdey i love you guy's && Rachel & Tammy @ hooters you guy's are hand's down the most hottest twin i kno & love you guy's & My Hooters family, all the managers, hooter girls, hostesss', regulars, i love you all. My uncle & Grandpa in cali. i love you & Heather & alan & the babyy & Sam you guy's are in my heart too.i guess what i'm ttrying to say i love everybody!..