h3y mii nam3 iz samantha and i am 16 y3ars old i was brought in dis world on january 16th 1993.im in da 9TH grad3 soon to b3 a SOPOHMORE. Im lovin it im a chicago baby but mostly now liv3 in ohio. im lov3ly tak3n by jake william kren! u changed mah lyfe and u compelete me always make me happy no matta wat nobody can take that away nuttin can come between us bkuz it'sz us against tha worldd! I dont play da gam3s im not childish lik3 dat im usually fri3ndly, but i culd g3t m3an i hat3 da drama so if dats wat chu on mii pag3 for d3n l3av3 cuz if u m3ss wit m3 u wont wanna m3ss wit m3 again. I dont like to fight and i am mainly qui3t but if it tak3s for m3 to d3f3nd mys3lf d3n im gonna do it. I aint scar3d but im a nic3 p3rson and not us3 to b3in like dat hop3fully i'll found da rit3 guy for m3. I luv makin n3w fri3nds, i am pu3rto rican and proud and luvin it, im not racist but i luv hangin wit black and pu3rto ricans and domanicians and oth3r color3d p3opl3. I cant stand fak3s or hataz or iggi3 ppl so l3av3 if u 1 of d3m. I hav3 alot of wonderful fri3ndsz and famili3s and i luv d3m all. I luv babi3s but dnt want 1 y3t to young. I also luv puppi3s, and hug3 dogs, sumtym3s catz, and rabbits, lolz i r3ally dont kno i luv d3m all.I hate pics sometym3s i do i luv to go plac3s and tlk on da phone and myspace. i luv dancin and singin and playin voll3y ball and bask3tball and football d3y all iight. Ima kool person i gotta big family that liv3 in diff3r3nt stat3s th3y cool. my favorite colors are:all blues,pinks,red,white,black,floresent green, n orange. well if you wanna kno mo m3ssag3 m3h iight well byes dats all fo now luv u 2 da fullest mellissa ride or die together we family foreva ya diggs love yuh i wouldnt be me with out ya help! mrsz.krenI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics