Aphotic Eyes profile picture

Aphotic Eyes

I am here for Friends

About Me

Today, I unwound.
Leaving a string of worries behind me.
As though someone pulled them from my throat.
And although I choked on every one as I reminisced,
I left feeling empty and carefree.

I'm losing track of time.
Just one day melting into another.

I talked and talked.
Of repugnant things.
But this time they were more bittersweet.
I was merely thinking in the past. Not living in it.

I'm full up.
Overflowing with this congeniality.
And, I don't think I've ever felt so at ease.
Everything's in its right place.

I don't need to say all the words.
They are unspoken.
And the silence is louder than I have ever noticed.

My life is a jumble of human emotion.

My Blog


Hey Sam, you've done it again.Disrespected your parents.You make time for Nick, but not for your household chores.You don't do shit in this house Sam.You don't even hang out with us.I'll raise your si...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 19:45:00 GMT


My dad can be the biggest asshole sometimes.He's so infuriated that I can't vacuum the house today.I said tomorrow I would, but they said they can't stand the filth.Oh God! One more day!Fucking pamper...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 09:18:00 GMT

A Toast...

To nothing.The times of obsequiousness  are at their nigh.               Soon I will be in charge.Working and                stressing and                            pushing forward,Not to bask in lux...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 23:53:00 GMT

Sick Shit. Animal Cruelty.

Somebody please kill this fucking whore. Jesus:http://www.snopes.com/photos/gruesome/crushvideo.asp
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 23:30:00 GMT

Fond Farewell.

Oh how these speakers sing to me tonight."Drink up baby, stay up all nightWith the things you could doYou won't but you mightThe potential you'll be that you'll never seeThe promises you'll only makeD...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 23:00:00 GMT

Times like this.

Strange, how for many months I was stricken with fear.Fear that a look into my past would unearth its entirety.Moments too ardous to re-live.I drifted, stumbling through doubt and dilemma.Resentful of...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 01:27:00 GMT


Oh how I've noticed those old souls.Walking through my life every now and again.And I've learned to tell myself that it is them.Them who set me on the right track.The men who taste of Cigarettes.The ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 00:07:00 GMT


I laugh in the face of those,Who think the mask I wear is really who I am.I'm quite the chameleon adjusting to my surroundings.And although you think you've pinned me down.Much like the insects I admi...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 01:28:00 GMT

For Nick.

I know it's a scary world out there.The realization that we are and always were alone.And I really want someone to be with me under my umbrella on those cloudy days, and maybe it won't feel so cold.A...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 19:11:00 GMT


I realize that through these years, I've been very polite.I've met many assholes, and dealt with them as best I could.At first I was disappointed, and then relieved.Everyone will get theirs one day.T...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 00:57:00 GMT