TAINT EZ... profile picture


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About Me

CHECK OUT MY BLOGS IFNYA NEED TO HAVE THISHIT TRANSLATED!!!I wuz boarn 12-01-77...in Seymour, Indiana...wichizda smalltown wair John Mellencamp wuzboarn azwell...wenIwuz 10yrz Old, mIfamlE moovd4om Indiana 2 Florida...I avRgUablE dabezz seduv pairintz Nda wurld...uhlongw/2 OldrbrOz...sO I'mda bAB uv3boyz...but nO1shood lAbullmE jushet...kuzI dew naht dewdishit NEmoor...I'm 28yrz Old...I've livdNSarasota, Florida sinz88...I grajew8d 4om Riverview High School N1996...denaftr hIskool, I wuz sOdam aP2B auduvskool d@I didngO bak2skool until sprEnguv 2003...daprImairE rEzn4mE 2gitN2 kolij wuzkuz bakN2002...Tuesday, April 30th 2BXzakt I wuz Nda wurzt kar aksident Nalluv mIlIf...I've binN5er6 all2 gethr...auevr EchnevrE1 I've bin bImIselv...pluz I'man Xsulint drIvr...kuzauduv alluvDz aksidentz, OnlE1wuz mIfalt...sO 4om1996-2002, Iwuz gOun4om 1job2un uthrw/auda kairNda wurld...Iwurkd@da Bdub NSarasota 4om sumruv96-sprEnguv2000...disiz Boogie Woogie 4NEuvU hoodOnO alreD...Iwuz prahlE OnlE hIurdair kuzmI OlduzbrO wuzda manajr... ndEstilliz2...bInau Ezda manajr uvbOth stoarz...dairz1up NBtaun azwell...wichiz Bradenton...wichdey letmE Bda vairE1st manajr uvd@1 upNBtaun...mI OlduzbrO hIurdmE...denafU yrzl8r daOnur mAdmIbrO fIurmE azwell...Igaht XtrEmlE butthurt wendishit apend...butdey ad2dewD Nevidibull...kuzIwuz shOunup NBtaun sum tImz up2anaurl8...nduthrtImz Iwoodgit updairB4daOnur wood...auevr Iwoodstill Bl8...bud@lEzI BtdaOnur dairsumtImz...evrEnaundagin Iwood shOup wenIwuzpOz2Bdair...wichwoodB ontIm...onDzdAz Iwuz gittnkot tAknanap BhIndakaunur...nod alwAz...butdaOnur koodOnlE pudupw/iz hedmanajrz lidull bruthr4sOlong...B4E tOldM2fIur mIazz...I'm nOlongr butthurtw/da Onur hooznauda4mur Onur...4juslazyr Iwin2a kahnsurtw/M ndalzO unuthrgI hooUz2wurk@Bdub azwell...twuz Audioslave...Saliva...nd 30 Seconds to Mars...disizwenImet Jared Leto ndareztuviz band...ndalzO gahtdair odagrafz 2...sO I've adOvr30jobz anshit...auevr Iwuz fIurd4omI vairElaz1 wichwuz Kash N Karry bakNlIk November uv04...sO I've wurkdamnEr evrEwair...bud I've binw/audajob evrsinz...auevr dispaskoolyr, I pikdupmI nEznnefU 3Ice awEk bakNdafall...wichI wuzpAd 50billz awEk4dishit... denNJanuary, Igah2 pikemup EchnevrEdA...sOdiswuz 5tImz awEk...ndlookn bak onitnau Itooka pAkut...4bakNdafall, Iwuz gittnpAd 16billz nchAnj... denNJanuary, Iwuz gittn pAd OnlE 12billz perdA...mIbrO wood almOzalwAz pAmE onmundA...budI'm naht butthurtw/MNEmoor...kuzEgAvmE sevrul plethuraz uvprOmO DVDz thruautdayr...sO aftrmI wurz kar aksident wichwuz alilbit Ovr4yrz uhgO, I toldmI PnM auI wan2Ba spEchthairapizt...kuzIspint damOztIm d@I'd evrbin uhwA4omI PnMzOm NSarasota up@Bayfront Medical Center... Iwuz dair4om May1st-June12th...wichiz6wEkz...wIlIwuzdair, Iad2 lurn au2spEk allOvragin... dairwuz spEch thairaP...okUpAshunul thairaP...fizikul thairaP... ndey Evnad mE sit ntalkw/asIkIatriz...mI vairE1stjob 1ceIwuz Abull2wurkagin wuz Home Depot...wichI luvdndI h8d...darEzn Iluvdit wuzkuzI mAdatun uvfrenzdair... 1uvwich izstilla goodfren2mE...iznAmz Ray...ifnEda nOnmE B4dis aksident, EprahlE woodnakepNtuchw/me...disiz prahlE dasAmw/alluvmI uthrfrenz hooI've nOn4OnlE dapasfUyrz...wIlIwuza stewdin@MCC 4omsprEng uv03-sprEng uv06, ImAda shitlOduvfrenz dairazwell...nBlEviternaht, I Evn lurnda fUtingz azwell...IgahtmI AA4omdair bakNDecember... baudanaur aftrIwuz andudmI diplOma, ItoldmI PnM d@I'm chAnjinmI mAjr4om spEch thairapizt 2a filmAjr...kuzitzmI saniT... erlakdairuv...sOdispasemestr Itook3klazzuz... 1uv wichwuz NtrO2wurld rElijnz...wichIluvd...disklazz medon2zdA nfurzdA 4om 1/2pazz9-10til11... mIuthr2klazzuz wuzfilmklazzuz...1uvwich wuzda vairE1stIm deyd offrdit... twuzkald kuruntrenzNfilm wichmedon winzdA@ 1/2pazz4 nrantilbau20aftr7...sumtImz wEdmEt@amooV thEudr...dauthrtImz wEdmEdupN Delz room 2wachafilm wichad IIthr juskumaut...ertwoodmAkmE vairE thrilld2Ca filmwich I'dnevr Evnurduv...deyaduzwachafilm kald Downfall wichiz baut da3rd rIk4oma German stanpoin... dis1mIdabin dabezz1 azfaraz lurninshit d@I nevrnooB4...mI uthrklazz wuz NtrO2filmntelavizhun... wichmedon mundA nfrIdA 4om10-20pazz11...disklazz izwenIBgan2gitmI druthrz...wich mEnzI rilE Njoidisklazz...kuzdafilm Iwurkdon threwautda semestr wuzritn... durektd...prOdewct...ndeditudbImE...auevr IOminE speshul tAnx2David Beaton...Sam Youngs...Trenton Stryker...ndalzO2mI kroomembrz...Kyle Deckinga...Kenny Lyons...dafilmiz tIduld Every Rose... yallshood nObInau d@twuza TAINT EZ prOdukshun...twillBshOn Ovr@Burns Court Theatre on June 3rd...distewdin filmfestwil Bgin@10Ndamorn... dairzgunaB sumfeD givnaut...hoonOzaumutch...wishmEwell yall...I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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My Interests

I'm interested N: filmAking...rEding nooshit...lurninau2dew nooshit...plAun Nstrumintz...alsoartza theories...ndlazbut surtinlE nahtlEz woodav2B lADz... sAvdabezz4laz.....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Bradley
Wish your name was?: nothing else
Age?: 29
Wish your age?: forever young
What color hair do you have?: brown
What color hair do you want?: platinum
what color eyes do you have?: blue
what color do you want?: same
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: to look more buff
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: more or less
If you could have one super power what would it be?: to see through anything
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: my own life
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: anyone who would do the same
Who do you love the most?: father & mother
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: seems like it
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: pleading the 5th
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: Kubrick
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: again the 5th
Who do you hate the most?: hate is a powerful word
Love the most?: same as before
Miss the most?: too many to name
Have the most fun with?: someone who spends time w/me on my birthday
Would spend your life with?: same...only 1...
Would spend your life without?: a few people
Who have you know the longest?: myself...I think...
Who is most like you?: the man in the mirror
Who is your opposite?: most people
Who looks most like you?: the man in the mirror
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: U spelt celebrity wrong
What celeberty do you look most like?: been told Val Kilmer
Are you high matnance?: probably
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: one or the other
Is honesty always the best policy?: sometimes
How many people have you dated this year?: dated or effd?
How many people have you asked out this year?: lost track
How many people have you turned down this year?: lost track
If you had only one friend who would it be?: the man in the mirror
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: my own ass...not...
Do you love your friends or family more?: love everyone
What is your favorite band?: either Pink Floyd or System of a Down
What is your favorite song?: Taste of Ink by the Used
What sterotype are you ?: disabled
What sterotype would you like to be?: Muslim
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: might have
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: might have
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: the 5th
Are you a virgin?: haha
Do you have a boyfriend?: I'm a boy/man
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: not as long as I was one
If you lost it already do you regret it?: nope
If you could change one point in your life would you?: more than one
What religion are you?: Lutheran/agnostic
How do you feel today?: majestic
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: with someone
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: no clue
What is your favorite candy?: chocolate anything
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: hoochie
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: not too dam long
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: just tall enough
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: depends
How did your last relationshp end?: it's been too long to member
Do you miss it?: miss what?
Were your ever really in love?: think so
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: twuznt EZ being me...or live long and prosper
If you were in love would you get married before college?: too late
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: not a homo
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: successful
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: parachute didn't open...there goes that
Do you like yourself?: sure
What do you wish to become someday?: writer/director extraordinaire
Do you trust people easily?: nope
How important is school to you?: somewhat
What song are you listening to right now?: many songs in my mind
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: Kubrick
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: who knows
what is your perfect date like?: easy? going I mean
if you could completely change who you are would you?: nope
would you be friends with yourself?: already am
Do you talk to people often?: only everyday
Are your romantic?: sometimes
Do you talk bout your dreams?: not as often as thinking bout them
Do you dream often?: sure do...even when awake
Do you ever pray?: before eating
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: might have...long ago
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: who knows
What is the layout?: huh?
What is the song?: B.Y.O.B. by System of a Down
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: who does?
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: probably not
Do you like who you are becoming?: maybe
What is the most important thing in your life?: future
what would you never change about yourself?: style
When was the last time you cried?: when someone died
Do you think the guy should always pay?: time and place
What is your favorite movie?: A Clockwork Orange
What movie sucked the most?: Fast and the Furious
Who is your favorite actress?: Keira Knightley or Jenna Jameson
Who is your favorite actor?: Tom Cruise or Johnny Depp or Zach Braff
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: global warming no longer
Do you have any bad habits?: probably
Do you think your fat?: not fat but somewhat overweight in the tummy
Are you overweight?: look above
What was the last thing you ate?: chicken tender
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: wendy's
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: huh?
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: already have
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: Vanilla Sky
Who do you want to be like?: Kubrick
what word best describes yourself?: obsessive-compulsive
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I'd like to meet:

minEuvda pEpz I'd lIk2mEt RnOlongrw/uz: Stanley Kubrick...2PAC...Bradley Nowell...Jimi Hendrix... John Lennon... George Harrison...John Belushi...John Candy...Peter Sellers...Ray Charles... Salvador Dali...Domino Harvey...Richard Pryor...DzpEpz Rstill raund: Tom Cruise...David Lynch...Coen Brothers...System of a Down...Maynard James Keenan...Penelope Cruz...Jenna Jameson...Tom Hanks...Johnny Depp ...KISS...David Koechner...Jason Lee...Mike Judge...Stan Lee...Kevin Smith... Jason Mewes...John Goodman...John Turturro...Jeff Bridges...Kevin Spacey... Robert DeNiro...William H. Macy...P.T. Anderson...Brad Pitt...Nick Stahl... Katie Holmes...Christina Aguilera...Redman...Method Man...Dave Chappelle... Ken Griffey Jr...Michael Jordan...Shaquille O'Neal...Mark Wahlberg...George Clooney...Paul Haggis...Sam Mendes...Steve Buscemi...Jim Carrey...Jack Black...Ed Norton...Paul McCartney...Lindsay Lohan...Bob Dylan...Rivers Cuomo...George Carlin...Stephen Colbert...Darren Aronofsky...Mena Suvari...Tara Reid...Philip Seymour Hoffman...Keira Knightley...Shakira...Nic Cage...Angelina Jolie...Natalie Portman...Chino Moreno...Stephen Root... Vince Vaughn...Ben Stiller...Gene Wilder...Alyssa Milano...Heather Graham... Minnie Driver...Woody Allen...


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Drawn Together...Colbert Report...South Park...The Daily Show...That 70's Show...Family Guy...American Dad...Monk... Chappelle's Show...Scrubs...My Name is Earl...Everybody Loves Raymond...King of Queens...Freak Show...History Channel...mIbrO gahtmE wachn American Idol... evrEnaundagin...


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mI PnM (this would be my father and mother)...Stanley Kubrick...2PAC...Stephen Colbert...Tom Cruise...Mark Wahlberg...Coen Brothers...Bob Dylan...David Lynch...Raymond Hundley... George Carlin...Kevin Spacey...David Koechner...Dave Chappelle...Kathy Griffin is funny as hell...4 a lady...

My Blog

RED All Over

             This is a story about Sherry "Cherry" Redenbarger.  She has lovely flowing red hair, which she keeps about shoulder length. ...
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST

letting go of unhappiness...part II

does any1 have an acronym 4 family which could make me feel alilbit betterightnow...4@thistime the only 1 which comes 2 mind would be: F.uck A.ny M.ember I.ncluding the L.ikes of Y.ou up as far ...
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:15:00 PST

what does it all mean???

The Clouds Make Rain... some things i've done make my conscience burn the clouds make rain...the ocean makes sand... the earth breathes fire and lava makes land... there's always more than what appear...
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:04:00 PST

Letting Go of Unhappiness

in all walks of life the strong prey off of the weak...until they too are weak and are preyed upon... the world contains much physical beauty...yet everything lives off the death of everything else......
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 10:11:00 PST

take a guess which kid is me...

06/23/06   This piece is written by a man in his late twenties who has just recently been told by his older brother how to live his life, basically...when he realizes why he's been all butthurt t...
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 07:53:00 PST

About Me in Proper English!

I was born 12-01-77 in Seymour, Indiana...which is the smalltown where John Mellencamp was born as well...when I was 10 years old, my family moved from Indiana to Florida...I have arguably the be...
Posted by TAINT EZ... on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:15:00 PST