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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Did the recording thing for about 10 years before I decided to get halfway serious about it. I saw no use for discipline in my 20s, which has made me the man I am today. In those years I got to work with bands such as Opium Taylor which later became The Holy Ghost and The Liars/NoThings/a bunch of new stuff I haven't heard yet; The Lepers; Wasteoid who later became, um, Wasteoid! It's been incredible to watch the Lincoln music scene of the early 90s shoot so far into indie stardom and beyond. Noekker, Albertson, Heine bros., Mogis bros., Connor, Ted Stevens, Kasher and everyone just working their asses off to get to where they wanted. And it's just as impressive to see what everyone else who didn't get a shot at the bottom rung of indie stardom has done with their exceptional talents. I feel lucky to have witnessed such mass amounts of genius. I didn't realize what heavies I was playing with; guys like Dave Snider and Eric Medley, Dan Schissel, Mercy Rule, Sideshow, Pablos Triangle, Urethra Franklin, Plastik Trumpet.I've been doing alot of metal music the last two years, but also had 10 tibetan monks come in to do some songs (paid in karma), as well as rock stuff like Bad Sects, Tangelo and Producers of the Word. The newest project in the studio is my own post-americana, psychedelic band 10th Horse, which has the clearest production values I've done yet. Not clean like a classical recording, but clear, as in deep, dynamic and wooly where it fits.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bands that don't sound like anything else, like something is a little strange or incalculable.

My Blog

Who’s got the Hottboxxx?

Well all, its time to say sayonara to the rooms known as Hottboxxx. They aren't going anywhere. No, they'll still be down in the basement at 4208 F. I however, will be selling the house pretty soon...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 20:10:00 GMT

Wasteoid! ! !

Mixing up the Wasteoid into a crispy, punchy, blast of fury!  If it sounds like  brains are leaking out through the singers' eyeballs and the bass amp is so loud that it's rumbles summon mot...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:36:00 GMT