I like reading,learning about myself and my people, my religion of Al-Islam,i also like to play games like GTA:3 & San Andreas oh yeah i like puzzles too
FRIEND's To qualify you must: Be MUSLIM (Believe in ALLAH and know that MOHAMMED IS THE LAST PROPHET OF ALLAH), Read Books that are NON FICTION, Know CURRENT EVENTS (what's going on in the world),LOYAL (TO OUR Friendship),HONEST, Caring (About ones self and others), Giving, Like to have FUN, & Like to TRAVEL. If you think this is you apply anytime, just send a message. Salaamu Alaikum love Fatima aKa The lady Fatima SUBHANA RAB-BI-YAL A..'ALA
well i listen to more R&B but i love Rap too some of my favorites (my .. 1 favorite rapper) Jay-z, i'm not just saying that. i have all of his CD's i been down with Jay since the beging well any way here are my other favorites The Temptations,Beyonce,Aaliyah,Alica Keys,Beanie Sigel, Mary J. Blige, Destiny's Child,Tina Marie,the whispers,the last poets,Black Ice "I LOVE HIM"
Now this one is hard i love all kinds of movies but here are the ones i can name for now The life of David Gail,Mindhanters,Kingdom of heave, Big fish,Bridget Jones, Taking Lives.Children of the corn,The man the moon,& Saw 1& 2
I look at a lot of tv my favorites shows are Six Feet Under,Gray's Anatomy, Medium, Huff, Carnivale,Dr. Know, Weeds,First 48,the 4400 and cold case.
Qur'an Sahih Muslim & Al-Bukhuri, Breakin the cures of willie lynch,The Game,& Diry lil secrets about black history vol.1 and 2
Some of my Heroes include My Ummy & Anu,Harriet Tubman,David Walker,Mark & Phillis,Nat Turner,Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth