music and music production and promotions, drums, percussion, mixing, dee-jaying, making music creating hot beats, sounds and music. Traveling and live events.meeting new interesting people.
I want to meet all the cool people who check out my space. get ready for the change....its on the way! this music thing......keep pushing it!!! Mary J, Quincy Jones, Alicia Keys, and Stevie Wonder are the people who i'd like to meet.
MySpace Comments / Glitter Graphics
hip hop and you dont stop, rythm & blues, gospel music, -jazz,classical,latin,neo-soul, soul collecting vinyl lp's 45rpms and cd's,this music....... keep pushin!
Training day, scarface, belly, american gangster, johnny tough, watt-stax,
music channels
all the books recomended or hyped up by friends,trade magazines, vibe, XXL etc. the bible
the people who make it from trying