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Quo VadiS..n!X?!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

GOD...and ma liitle angel hus olwiez been der guardin' on me..haha..thankz..nywei..2 all of ma long lost friends!! juzz add me up @ nico_jbr16@yahoo.com =P orayt!!

My Blog

how z dz?! =)

Healing through letting go Message: Letting Go. Releasing. Moving on. These are words that come to mind when holding on to the status quo becomes too painful or takes too much energy. Eve...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jun 2004 18:20:00 GMT


Put away the pictures. Put away the memories. I put over and over Through my tears I've held them till I'm blind They kept my hope alive As if somehow that I'd keep you here Once you bel...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jun 2004 04:13:00 GMT

dont cHanGe =)

dOnt chAngE Lately you've been questioning If I still see you the same way But through these trying years We gonna both physically change Now don't you know you you'll always be The most ...
Posted by on Tue, 18 May 2004 10:40:00 GMT