Member Since: 4/8/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:© 2008 VirusmindVirusmind Productions Posters $10
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Influences: Virusmind is every ounce of local talent that has inspired me musically. Heres to Ben and Josh H , Larry H, J Hicks, Nick N, J dub, My sister, Christ, Todd, Babbic-06, Open mic Dan, Dan from Atlanta, Swing City Brad, B Don, Mike D, Johnson Mass and the flatwheel band(RIP), Chad Morris, Gabby's open mic '04, Hideout, the Village, J Coors, Gary and Rickshaw - the Lied Two, OGE, J Stevens, Rynhold, Dave and Kevin - Psycho Folk, Rubenstien, Frankglen, Tim..Intro da jam
Sounds Like: VIRUSMIND
Record Label: Virusmind Productions
Type of Label: Indie