VCTI profile picture



About Me

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

Welcome to the Vermont Children's Theatre on Ice (aka VCTI) myspace. If you haven't heard of us you obviously live under a rock. We are a figure skating team that performs "plays" on ice. It's ensemble skating but also so much more than that. This year the theme of our number is Pirates, and let me tell you, we are quite intense. In the past we have been gypsies, carousel horses, birds, water, fairies, bats, minions, sprites, etc... we also have an incredibly cool Russian rap (written by us) that i'm sure some of us would be happy to do for ya...We skate at Leddy Arena and our senior team currently consists of 8 skaters (Hanna, Michelle, Laura, Amy, Rebecca, and the three Emilys) So check us out!

My Interests

umm drinking Vault energy drinks (GET TO IT), riding around aimlessly, EATING (the team that eats together stays together...right?), being the true gangstas that we are, getting up at 5 every wednesday morning for practice, competing in Europe, being really weird, having team bonding activities, and oh yeah, did i mention that we like to eat?

I'd like to meet:

all of our adoring fans


Bring 'Em Out


Pirates of the Carribean -- for inspiration of course


i don't think they have tv shows about pirates...hmmm


pirates only read treasure maps


all of the pirates who have come before us