I'm a big fan of music, I've composed alot of music over the years. Honestly I have too many interests to name here,but here's a couple to get you started: Computers, Cars, Music (in fact most of the music on this page is mine)and Theoretical Physics
Forward thinkers
Songs by H. Carter -
Blues, Electronica, Jazz, Rap, everything except opera.
Scifi, action (and not the dumb blow up everything kind) and I'll look at pretty much anything else. I also love really dumb movies, they great to watch, especially when you get to see once big time actors playing in B movies.
Don't have time for TV, except for maybe Robot Chicken and Desperate Housewives.
oooh, a new word!
To bad I can't rename this section to Innovations and theoretical creations. That's alright, because when I mention the Qaunti variState Particle Field Array, you'll know exactly what the column is about. The Quanti VariState Particle FIeld Array, is another product of TSCAM (the name is too long), my company listed at the bottom of this page.The Radio Accelerator Induction Conduit will allow communications to travel several magnitudes faster than the speed of light. But unlike the subspace channel used on the Star Trek series, these conduits can be stacked to achieve step acceleration for even faster speeds. Of course this wouldn't be possible without the Graviflux electromagnet. Yes, my friend the Graviflux magnet, one of the most intriguing developments of I've come up with. It produces a field that attracts just about anything even dirt. And when used with a more powerful power source it can be reconfigured to aid in spatial compression, which theoretically could propel a spacecraft faster than the speed of light. So all this talk about FTL (faster than light) travels, one can't forget about the sheer amount of Gforces experienced when going from a standstill (or even a steady clip of 800,000 mph) to 670 million mph! But being the person that I am, I've already thought of a device to counter that. Enter the MultiBody Synchro G-Force Dampener(also know as a Type 2 G-Force Dampener, simply because I already thought of another version of the G-Force Dampener about 2 years ago, I have since improved upon it considerably). This section will now be continued in my much hated blog (such a dumb word) read up....