Kati profile picture



About Me

Well, I've been a 1st grade teacher for 8 years now! I have a 3 year old niece who I totally adore. I have a great boyfriend and we enjoy watching NASCAR and going to races when we can. We also like going to the beach...! I have a great group of friends who I love to chat with on the phone or hang out with every chance I get. Monthly BUNCO nights are a must for me...I enjoy my life...thanks to my family and friends!

My Interests

Emma, Zac, my cell phone, NASCAR, the beach, teaching Cubbies at church, reality tv, Diet Mountain Dews, playing Bunco with the Sparkle City Bunco Babes, and gardening...

I'd like to meet:

Ty Pennington from Extreme Home Makeover. He's just so good looking...and hyper!!!!


Just about anything...


The Holiday, Saved, Talledega Nights, Legally Blonde, and most Adam Sandler movies!


I love any reality shows. Big Brother, Amazing Race and Survivor are my favorites. I love Desperate Housewives and most anything on HGTV and TLC. My favorites are Little People, Big World, Jon and Kate plus 8, and House Hunters. I like flipping around during commercials, and when The Girls Next Door and Simple Life are on, yes, I do stop and watch them!!! And, yes, now, Sunset Tan! :) On Sundays, I watch NASCAR!


I really don't read that much! I love me some People magazines though!!!!


I would have to say that my Mom and Dad are the heroes in my life.