Of all the men i have met or will ever meet he will be the one that will be my hero. Strong in ervery way. He will be very spiritual and have a purpose in that direction. He will take the spiritual lead . More than any other i will feel safe with him and feel i finally have found home. Big heart, not fearing his feelings. Emotionally healthy and balanced for the most part.Capable of Love and able to give it and receive it. Handsome , with an outgoing personality. Must Love kids and pets. Must be a family man. Loyal with a deep appreciation for truth in all things. Stronger than me in everyway. But able to be captivated and tamed by soft emotion and Love. Good person in all of humanity, willing to be self sacrificeing and selfless. Not afraid to do without. Willing to understand first in order to be understood. Patient and kind. The proud warrior of my soul. Every pore on his body and his being connected to His true Love. The magic touch! The sacredness and speciality of our Love will indeed be rare in this crashing dieing world. As we Survive a new dawn on the horizon with all the strength of the creator between us . He will love my son like his own. He will meet and exceed every value and expectation i have. I laud Jehovah for making such a beautiful creature as he - My Hero!