I'd like to meet:
A man came into the store
Told mother he was looking for a good knife
She took him behind the counter
And let him look a spell under the glass
You could smell his new clothes
What a beautiful shirt
He had on my mother told him
It was blackwatch plaid
We all got one after that
Mother ordered one
They sent forty-nine
What kind of knife are you needing she asked
I'm needing one that'll touch bottom
He looked over his shoulder when he said that
And a man buying shoelaces nodded
He said a man don't want to go shallow
You know how it is
I'd hate to come short on a critter
That's the one I want the man in the new clothes said
It's from Sweden and it'll set you back she told him
Lady I don't care
Right then I heard a car on the ridge
Hit the bedrock
It was going pretty fast
Now how's about a nice stone
To go along with the knife said she
The man looked over his shoulder again
This time out the window
0. Z. was hoeing weeds around the monuments
We sold on the side
I mean a whetstone
Just for the steel she smiled
He swallowed like it was dark medicine
He didn't laugh
Just so it'll cut once lady
Is all I care
He told her trying it out on the sole
Of his new issue boot
Midnight or so I was down in the storm cellar
Stealing a little jam
By God if I didn't hear someone
Hit the bedrock again
//Frank Stanford
Zissou in His Tire Boat