Irina profile picture


About Me

Hy names is Irina Peltsin. My parents, both of them were aclcoholics in Petrozavodsk, horrible industrial city. My father died 55 years old, lung cancer, cirrhosis of the liver. Probably good thing anyway, he was not working. The factory was closed down. I had to go to Kazakhstan to live with uncle, crude, miserable man. Then after zat, I move to America and become dancer at Bada Bing. There I met Tony Sopranos. I become his girlfriend for few years, but zen he don't love me no more. So zen after a year or two, he beat my boyfriend, Ronnie Zellman vis a belt. He could no longer perform sexually, we broke up not so long after. But Tony got his, I call his wife and tell her Tony had been sleepin' with my cousin, Svetlana, the one with the one leg. I hide in Brighton Beach.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Tony, I miss him so much...

My cousin, Svetlana, za von vis da von leg
My old boss from za Bada Bing, Mr. Dante
I hate zis von

My Blog

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