Kode-red profile picture


this aint no picnic bitch

About Me

I got my layout at A href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmNsZWFudXBteX NwYWNlLmNvbQ=="

My Interests

Name: kody
Birthdate: may, 22
Birthplace: hospitle
Current Location: home
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 160
Piercings: none
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: looking
Overused Phraze: blow me
Food: tocos
Candy: wacha ma call it
Number: 77
Color: red
Animal: bull dog
Drink: vitaman water/coke cherry zero
Alcohol Drink: green apple pucker
Bagel: onion w/cream cheese
Letter: k
Body Part on Opposite sex: the pikachu
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcadees
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: french vanilla latte
Kiss or Hug: hug
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap nigga
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: love w/money
Bedtime: wen eva the hell i want
Most Missed Memory: wen my family was really happy
Best phyiscal feature: caffs
First Thought Waking Up: i cant believe i did that
Goal for this year: idk
Best Friends: jonathan v, kait w, aaron y, and matt p.
Weakness: fags
Fears: clay dolls
Heritage: german
Longest relationship: 2 years (school years)
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: mabye
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: sort of
Ever beaten someone up: yea
Ever Shoplifted: of course
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yea
Been Dumped Lately: nah
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long: normal langth
Height: mine or inch shorter
Style: idk
Looks or Personality: sense of humor
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: nah
Muscular or Really Skinny: idk
Number of Regrets in the Past: like 20
What country do you want to Visit: germany
How do you want to Die: quik and painless
Been to the Mall Lately: yea
Do you like Thunderstorms: yea
Get along with your Parents: sum times
Health Freak: nah
Do you think your Attractive: idk
Believe in Yourself: yea
Want to go to College: sort of
Do you Smoke: nah
Do you Drink: nah
Shower Daily: yea
Been in Love: sort of
Do you Sing: nah
Want to get Married: sum time
Do you want Children: mabey
Have your future kids names planned out: sort of yea
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: idk
Hate anyone: yea




K Keen
O Outrageous
D Devious
E Easy
M Meek
A Astonishing
N Noisy
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