Illustration, Children's Book Illustration, Graphic Design, Fine Arts, pretending I'm a graphic designer, comics, graphic novels, rocking all the time, mustaches, beards, monocles, old-timey bikes, bears, diners, sleeping in, reading, drinking wine and listening to Motown records, making jokes, making bad jokes, doing nice things for people, partying, painting, obssesing over everything, being paranoid, being happy.....hmm, that's it.
some good stuff
i like talkies.
Arrested Development, The Daily Show, the Simpsons, Futurama, Thirty Rock, Home Movies, The Office, Lost, the Wire, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld
Michael Chabon. Also, I'm liking American Gods.
My parents, Fred Lynch, Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes, David Shannon....... umm, I don't know