About Me
Name, Emily Rose Antrilli
You may call me whatever you think fits me best.
I really adore the rainbow (&& I'm Not gay, asshole .)
I really need adventure, too much of the same thing i can't live with.
100% Italy girl, i wouldn't say i'm "proud" of that.
I have my button hole pierced, i don't gauge my ears.
I finally realize, I'm glad to be different.
There's no place like Pitman.
I'm afraid i won't ever be as happy as i was. I'm gradually getting better :]
I'm the kind of girl who grew up playing in the backyard on the same swing set everyday, until 4th grade that is.
No matter good or bad, life is a blessing.
I <3 my friends, they mean everything to me.
Drawing is a fun thing i like the do, i'm working on getting better :]
My favorite song, is the middle, by "Jimmy Eat World", wanna know why? listen to it.
I'm a pesco-vegetarian.
I hate people who don't eat, ilikkkkefood.
There's so many people i would without question do anything
I think I'm the only teenager without texting in this time period.
99% of the time plans suck. but theres that 1% that makes it all worth while.
Fuck men. I'm looking to fall in love.
I don't do drugs or smoke, drink on occasions, but i'm not about the end up like half the fuck ups in this town.
Always Always dream. dreams do to come true, but to be honest, Nothing gold can stay.
I'm a different kind of girl, i don't take much time to consider myself. But caring is what i do best.
I've always wanted to play guitar like chad sugg, and i will.
I haven't liked a guy in a really long time, and all i want is someone who will make me happy.
Sometimes, cuddling up in front of a good movie really beats a night out for me.
i love those wildwood days. forever and ever<3
In case anyones wondering, i'm the genius level of idiot,
Thankyou brad.
I'm real.
I <3 shows, music is a part of me.
All the small things make this life worth staying.
Nature rises my spirit up when i'm down and alone, come look at the stars with me.
I'm not everything you've always wanted, but i'm someone i swear you won't regret knowing.
I do not have a religion, and feel that religion itself is nothing more than putting your own personal label on reality.
Stop hating me because you have nothing else better to do.
Say hello to me, maybe you'll get a hello, right back.
" Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. "
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