Sahil profile picture



About Me

Hey how ya goin.. last year of school and luvin it ay. I love goin for a surf (bodyboard) fishing or anything to do with the beach. Goin out with the boys n havin fun and playin footy. Leave me a comment if u will n maybe ill get back 2 ya...

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My Interests

pLaYiN bALL, FoOtY, LiStENIn tO MuSic, sUrFiN

I'd like to meet:

Y O u m A y b e . . .


Anything good....i like a variety of stuff


CaTcH mE If yOu CaN . . . BiG FIsH . . . MeAn gIrLz . . .KiLL BiLL . . . PuLp fIcTiOn . . . sIn CiTy . . . rEsoViOr dOgS . . .FiGhT ClUb . . . sNaTcH . . . LoCk sToCk


cAlIfOrNia...CaLiFoRnIa hErE We cOmE RiTe bAcK WhErE We sTaRtEd fROm dA O.C. . . . . . S C R U B S . . . pRIsOn bReAk....LAGUNA BEACH = THE GREATEST!!!


Peter...PeTer pAn i say . . . ..