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We will never give up on anything until we have exhausted every possibility to accomplish the goal w

About Me

! I'm a make up artist always looking for creative minded people overflowing with ideas and unique concepts! Let me know if you are interested in working together to make magic! I'm here to network with make up artists, wardrobe stylists, hairdressers, photographers, models, clothing designers, artists of all types...

If you are looking to get your make up done feel free to contact me here, or at [email protected]

I am also a TIGI C.A.T. member (COSMETIC ART TEAM)

Bridal Make up

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other Make-Up Artists,TIGI Ambassadors, CAT Members, Photographers, Models, Clothing Designers, Artists and anyone else who'd like to network!

My Blog

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