I'm mainly into Theatre shite... WE HAVE UNITED TO FORM NEKONEKO! It means person who has a creative idea that only makes it worse. It also means fuck him fuck him in arabic, cat cat in japanese and is the submissive male in a gay relationship...demonstrating is the importance of research before stepping out into the motorway of dedication...
people or animals. I'm easy. I think i might be a cat....
Lottie Oram's new album 'grotty botty' is top notch. track 5 'My duck Tom' is a killer.Who names their duck tom????????
don't start.
I will forgive the television for giving me curb your enthusiasm and ...and...no that's it.
Chuck Palahniuk's 'Haunted' is fricking amazing, Jeremy Dyson's 'Never Trust A Rabbit', Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Albee, Michel Faber...
Groucho Marx, Kermit, professor yaffle and cynical old bastards.