Music,Movies,acting, Horse back ridding, Cars, reading, mags, All outdoor sports, spoiling myselfhref="
cmJvb2suY29t"Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything.
What Is Your Life Path Number?
New friends, keep in touch/ get back in touch with old friends.
WHich TrucK are you?
4 WheeleR You are the 4 WheeleR. YOu are a beast in the mud and thats alll you care about. It's no thang to get it dirty.
Cars-Driving-Racing Quizzes
What Were You In A Past Life?
Royalty Ever wonder why you feel so comfortable watching The Tudors? Well, it might just be because you were one. You were accustomed to being adored, and your wish was EVERYONE'S command. When you fell in love with someone, he/she became your spouse. When you grew tired of someone, you banished him/her from your kingdom. It must have been good to be King/Queen.
Myspace Quizzes
What Were You In A Past Life?
Royalty Ever wonder why you feel so comfortable watching The Tudors? Well, it might just be because you were one. You were accustomed to being adored, and your wish was EVERYONE'S command. When you fell in love with someone, he/she became your spouse. When you grew tired of someone, you banished him/her from your kingdom. It must have been good to be King/Queen.
Myspace Quizzes
I listen to whatever is playing on the radio.. to lazy to put cd's in now.
You Belong in San Diego
Laid back and friendly, you were meant to live most of your life on the beach.
You usually think everything is "all good"... except when the weather dips under 60F.
You stay classy - especially when you're in Tijuana!
Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong?
You're 70% Irish
You're very Irish, and most likely from Ireland.
(And if you're not, you should be!)
How Irish Are You?
I like my movies how i like my bands. with alot of hot guys in them.
even tho my Favorite actor in the WORLD is Adam Sandler!My Favorite Movies
Romance: The NoteBook
Comedy:With OUt A paddle ( mathew and dex is hot)
horror: 13 ghosts
action: ( humm not sure)
Westen: american Outlew ( because collin is hot)
kids movie( mean Girls because linsey is HOT)lol ok i am done, i got to get back to work
Your Dating Purity Score: 69%
You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!
Dating Purity Test HAHA 69
You Are 72% Girly
You're a pretty girly chick, and you're not ashamed to admit it (or wear pink).
But you're also practical. You can hang with the guys, as long as they're not too gross!
How Girly Are You?
The simpsons, family guy, house, wild fire, anything on RFD tv., dirty jobs, launga beach, life of ryan, Rob and BIG,
Check out these
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with MySpace)
You are 93% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?
You Are 20% Redneck
I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style.
You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee!
How Redneck Are You?
You Are Dr. Pepper
You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you.
People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.
Your best soda match: Root Beer
Stay away from: 7 Up
What Kind of Soda Are You?
My Heroes are anyone how doesnt piss me off:-) everyone who does for others before themself. the guy at the dior,coach and juicy store in the mall for putting up with me. all those kick ass cali surfers *Props* thanks for not knocking me out when i wipe out!.
All guys that can look hot even when they are all nasty and dirty. 90% of atv/moto x guys and girls
How You Life Your Life
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.
How Do You Live Your Life?